
Latest Files

  • Be Your Character    

    Listen to this hypnosis file before playing any video game, as you play you'll experience the world as your character does you'll shake out of it when you stop playing or your character dies.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 22:00
    Downloads: 105
    Temporary(until event)

  • Total Erection Control   , ,  

    This hypnosis file takes you down and works you up and helps you enjoy total control over your erections and orgasms.  Get hard when you want, stay that way as long as you want and cum when you desire.  That is what this file does.  Enjoy!

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 19:43
    Downloads: 242
    Trigger(by yourself)

  • Hypnotic Boomerang    
    This file makes the listener believe that they are the worlds greatest hypnotist and they can hypnotize anyone instantly. A shame that every trigger they try to set boomerangs and happens to them. A little fun for anyone.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 21:59
    Downloads: 335
    Temporary(until event)

  • 4HoursSleep    
    After you listen to this file you will find yourself sleeping for 4 hours and then waking up completely refreshed, as if you had 8 hours of sleep. Only listen to this file in bed. Completely Re-Recorded and cleaned up on 07/13/2010

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (20)
    Length: 22:29
    Downloads: 6291

  • Fast Healing    
    This file would enhance the natural speed of healing any wound in your body.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 23:04
    Downloads: 917

  • Sound Alike    
    Manipulate every part of your throat for impressions of people accurately and with ease. Go from the harsh vocals of Tom Waits to the voice of your high pitched girlfriend in a second. Not an instant ability, so much as muscle memory.

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (2)
    Length: 24:20
    Downloads: 1702

  • Self-Guided Dreams    
    Takes the listener into a state of deep, sleepy relaxation, and implants the following suggestion: "Tonight, and every night, you have power over your dreams. All you have to do, when you lay down to rest, is think to yourself, 'Tonight, I...' -- And it could be anything, "Tonight, I visit Merlin's castle," or "Tonight, I will take over the world," anything you can imagine you can dream about. Then, when you awaken in the morning you will find that not only have you had the dream you chose, but that you remember it with perfect clarity.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 21:54
    Downloads: 1153

  • Hypno Party Game — $10    
    Ever wanted to try some Hypnosis fun at a party. Well, HypnoEMG has dreamed up the Hypno Party Game. Just get a bunch of friends together, relax for a few minutes and let the fun begin. Oh, and don't worry folks, this game can be played at any party, it's not adult.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 19:19
    Downloads: 2

  • Post Hypnotic Suggestibility    
    Trains the listener to believe that post hypnotic suggestions will work completely removing any doubt about the effectiveness of a file even disregarding any previous or future thoughts or statements from sources that undermines the effectiveness of a post hypnotic suggestion that has been implanted in the listener. This file will help people who listen to files to feel the effects quicker and greater than ever before.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (4)
    Length: 22:54
    Downloads: 1297

  • Dream Body    
    Every night before you sleep, if you think about exactly what type of body you want to have(male, female, old, young, animal, cartoon) and then think about the world that you want to live in, your surroundings and how long you will be there. If you then trigger yourself with "This is my dream body" you will immediately go to sleep and dream about what you want to and remember it all the next morning.

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (4)
    Length: 22:06
    Downloads: 1093

    • Casey's Crazy Train (Song) and ebook — $10    

      Casey's Crazy Train Song By DNatureofDTrain "Casey Heinzism"

      License # Song Status 359880 Crazy Train By Ozzy Osbourne, Randy Rhoads, and Bob Daisley Copyright Blizzard Music Limited and Kord Music.

      The price on this goes for both the song, and continued song licensing. 

      Included is the .mp3 and the .txt file with the song lyrics.

      Now included in the script page is the song lyrics and the And Casey's Jones and Casey Heinzism ebook by Casey Heinzism. So for this special bundle you get the song and the ebook.

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Downloads: 0

    • Heinzist Hosted Holy Rosary — $15    
      This is a Heinzist lead version of the Holy Rosary, lead by Casey Heinzism.rnincludes some slight adaptations. This Heinzist Version of the Holy Rosary includes Three mysteries to pray daily, or as needed. a little over 58 Minutes long. Read and Compiled, and modified from Casey Heinzism.

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 58:39
      Downloads: 0

    • Sleep time (song) — $2    
      play this song to help you or your children fall asleep faster.. DNatureofDTrain Sleep Time, also says good night in various languages at one point. by Casey Heinzism DNatureofDTrainrnThis song was designed for people trying to get their little ones to drift off in a nice dream. It was sang to many children, foster children, and kittens, and puppies.. love it as well.

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 07:02
      Downloads: 0

    • Stop Look and Listen Subliminal (song) — $2    
      Stop Look and Listen Subliminal song by DNatureofDTrain Casey Heinzism. This haunting sounding song sings Stop Look and Listen positive lyrics forward while backwards it says "Listen to the cops" over and over at points. Making this a good subliminal tune for people trying to help themselves listen to the police to obey the law. This song is good to also just relax and for troubled teens to listen to. Or just for one to listen to relax and trance to in general. This can be used both as Subliminal and an induction. Yes, police officers may use this song as well.

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 04:29
      Downloads: 0

    • Hypno Party Game — $10    
      Ever wanted to try some Hypnosis fun at a party. Well, HypnoEMG has dreamed up the Hypno Party Game. Just get a bunch of friends together, relax for a few minutes and let the fun begin. Oh, and don't worry folks, this game can be played at any party, it's not adult.

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 19:19
      Downloads: 2

    • Carsten - Breast Enhancement and Enlargement — $40    

      Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
      Length: 26:23
      Downloads: 15

    • Perfect Skin — $20    
      This file helps clear up all imperfections leaving you with perfect skin

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 19:14
      Downloads: 44

      • Lucid Dreams    

        This file is experimental. This is intended to give you lucid dreams. The tts used a script by arcanecandycane from WMM to use for this.

        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 02:12
        Downloads: 18
        Temporary(fixed time)

      • Be Your Character    

        Listen to this hypnosis file before playing any video game, as you play you'll experience the world as your character does you'll shake out of it when you stop playing or your character dies.

        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 22:00
        Downloads: 105
        Temporary(until event)

      • Total Erection Control   , ,  

        This hypnosis file takes you down and works you up and helps you enjoy total control over your erections and orgasms.  Get hard when you want, stay that way as long as you want and cum when you desire.  That is what this file does.  Enjoy!

        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 19:43
        Downloads: 242
        Trigger(by yourself)

      • Psychic Program Part 1    

        Psychic Program Part 1rnrn by Casey Heinzism DNatureofDTrain

        Teaches Terminology of grounding, centering, and sheilding.

        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 03:11
        Downloads: 12

      • SLIP Into Mindlessness by Amethyst   , ,  
        Slip Into Mindlessness is a FREE erotic hypnosis file that I have created to strengthen any Slip series hypnotic programming that you may receive from me. This recording will render you erotically mindless and ready to receive my programming just by using a simple trigger word. When your mind is triggered in this way, it becomes "primed" to receive powerful programming. You may have a feeling of mindless as you drop into this deep trance. Sending you into that special mindless state is something that we both want, isn’t that right? Yes, of course! This hypnosis file will program that blissful trigger word into your open and eager mind. I will have a variety of additional hypnosis programming files using this special trigger word. Once you are fully trained, all you will need to do is choose your next stage of programming. There are no tricks in this erotic hypnosis file. No subliminal messages. No wording that you will follow me & only me etc... just honest, blissful hypnosis. What you will hear is the trigger word programming, which is a pre-cursor to many future titles that I plan to record in a wide variety of topics. I'm giving you the programming file for FREE, and you may choose which future SLIP file that you wish to immerse yourself in. FEATURES: long, slow induction, triple voice programming, 10-1 countdown, SLIP trigger, deep theta brainwave technology on very low volume, soft soothing music. Erotic Hypnosis created by Amethyst Copyright 2015 - 41 Minutes - you can find more of my work at: DeepSurrender.com

        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 40:49
        Downloads: 152
        Trigger(by yourself)

      • relax_binaural1   , , , , , ,  
        this is a piece of background audio that is meant to be used during a hypnosis session, the binaural frequencies use also make the mind more open to suggestion. It is a work in progress and later versions will be posted as I have time to work on them. It has water sounds as a background and is very intense so be careful. Feel free to let me know how well it worked as it is still in development and I would love feedback on how to improve it.

        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 00:56
        Downloads: 156
        Only while under

      • Superhero    
        A recreational hypnosis session with induction followed by a first person account casting the listener as a superhero.

        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 10:29
        Downloads: 93

      • forget    
        this is a first attempt to make a file that will let you forget certain aspects of you life, or experiences, or a book or film if you so wish... constructive critisism would be useful

        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 14:16
        Downloads: 90

      • Thunder Thighs    
        This SCRIPT holds the key to growing large Thunder Thighs, I decided to dabble in just body transformation, if recorded it will help you grow Large Hips, Thighs, and Buttocks. But just warning it can be very addictive if done right

        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Downloads: 18

      • Hypnotic Boomerang    
        This file makes the listener believe that they are the worlds greatest hypnotist and they can hypnotize anyone instantly. A shame that every trigger they try to set boomerangs and happens to them. A little fun for anyone.

        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 21:59
        Downloads: 335
        Temporary(until event)

      • 4HoursSleep    
        After you listen to this file you will find yourself sleeping for 4 hours and then waking up completely refreshed, as if you had 8 hours of sleep. Only listen to this file in bed. Completely Re-Recorded and cleaned up on 07/13/2010

        Rating: ★★★★☆ (20)
        Length: 22:29
        Downloads: 6291

      • Accelerator    
        This file accelerates the effects of any other file you listen to exponentially, making it twice as effective every time you listen to it.

        Rating: ★★★★☆ (13)
        Length: 22:14
        Downloads: 3438

      • TrigUltraLucidDream    
        This allows you to trigger yourself to go into a lucid dream which feels as real as real life does and you are aware of every sense you have. You can do anything without any consequences, you don't have to obey any laws including the laws of physics. You don't have to be tired to trigger yourself and you can do anything. Control everyone including yourself.

        Rating: ★★★☆☆ (16)
        Length: 20:50
        Downloads: 1478

      • Reinforcer    
        This file allows you to reinforce your training and trigger files by listening to it instead of all the files you have been listening to.

        Rating: ★★★★★ (4)
        Length: 18:37
        Downloads: 943

      • Post Hypnotic Suggestibility    
        Trains the listener to believe that post hypnotic suggestions will work completely removing any doubt about the effectiveness of a file even disregarding any previous or future thoughts or statements from sources that undermines the effectiveness of a post hypnotic suggestion that has been implanted in the listener. This file will help people who listen to files to feel the effects quicker and greater than ever before.

        Rating: ★★★★★ (4)
        Length: 22:54
        Downloads: 1297

      • BodyHair    
        This file Causes your body hair to grow in more rapidly and thicker, this includes everything but the hair on your head.

        Rating: ★★★★☆ (4)
        Length: 23:08
        Downloads: 1372

      • DeProgramAll    
        This file allows you to clean out any and all of the training/trigger files so that your mind is back to its original state from before you started listening.

        Rating: ★★★★★ (3)
        Length: 24:41
        Downloads: 1218

      • SuggestiveTranceTrigger    
        A suggestive file designed for those who have a hard time gettting tranced; plants a trigger so that when HypnoEMG says nice and deep and relaxed you find yourself automatically falling into a nice deep trance.

        Rating: ★★★★★ (3)
        Length: 09:38
        Downloads: 833

      • TrainTicklish    
        This file simply trains you to be more ticklish.

        Rating: ★★★★★ (3)
        Length: 22:09
        Downloads: 1043

      • HypnoDrunk    
        This file creates two triggers in the listener. Whenever the phrase "Get Hypnodrunk" is said to or by the listener, they will act as if they are drunk. Their attention span will become shorter, they will slur their speech, they will lose a lot of their inhibitions, they will feel light headed and euphoric...and just plain GOOD for an hour. Repeating of the trigger intensifies the effect and duration. When they need to become sober the phrase "Sober Up" makes them alert and gives them complete control of all their faculties. Any act like driving will also automatically sober them up.

        Rating: ★★★★★ (3)
        Length: 32:00
        Downloads: 899

        • Lucid Dreams    

          This file is experimental. This is intended to give you lucid dreams. The tts used a script by arcanecandycane from WMM to use for this.

          Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
          Length: 02:12
          Downloads: 18
          Temporary(fixed time)

        • Be Your Character    

          Listen to this hypnosis file before playing any video game, as you play you'll experience the world as your character does you'll shake out of it when you stop playing or your character dies.

          Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
          Length: 22:00
          Downloads: 105
          Temporary(until event)

        • Total Erection Control   , ,  

          This hypnosis file takes you down and works you up and helps you enjoy total control over your erections and orgasms.  Get hard when you want, stay that way as long as you want and cum when you desire.  That is what this file does.  Enjoy!

          Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
          Length: 19:43
          Downloads: 242
          Trigger(by yourself)

        • Easy trance and relaxtion    

          This is a subliminal file to make relaxtion and getting into trance easier also makes it easier to listen to hypnosis and obey their instructions.

          Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
          Downloads: 0

        • Casey's Crazy Train (Song) and ebook — $10    

          Casey's Crazy Train Song By DNatureofDTrain "Casey Heinzism"

          License # Song Status 359880 Crazy Train By Ozzy Osbourne, Randy Rhoads, and Bob Daisley Copyright Blizzard Music Limited and Kord Music.

          The price on this goes for both the song, and continued song licensing. 

          Included is the .mp3 and the .txt file with the song lyrics.

          Now included in the script page is the song lyrics and the And Casey's Jones and Casey Heinzism ebook by Casey Heinzism. So for this special bundle you get the song and the ebook.

          Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
          Downloads: 0

        • Heinzist Hosted Holy Rosary — $15    
          This is a Heinzist lead version of the Holy Rosary, lead by Casey Heinzism.rnincludes some slight adaptations. This Heinzist Version of the Holy Rosary includes Three mysteries to pray daily, or as needed. a little over 58 Minutes long. Read and Compiled, and modified from Casey Heinzism.

          Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
          Length: 58:39
          Downloads: 0

        • Psychic Program Part 1    

          Psychic Program Part 1rnrn by Casey Heinzism DNatureofDTrain

          Teaches Terminology of grounding, centering, and sheilding.

          Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
          Length: 03:11
          Downloads: 12

        • Sleep time (song) — $2    
          play this song to help you or your children fall asleep faster.. DNatureofDTrain Sleep Time, also says good night in various languages at one point. by Casey Heinzism DNatureofDTrainrnThis song was designed for people trying to get their little ones to drift off in a nice dream. It was sang to many children, foster children, and kittens, and puppies.. love it as well.

          Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
          Length: 07:02
          Downloads: 0

        • Stop Look and Listen Subliminal (song) — $2    
          Stop Look and Listen Subliminal song by DNatureofDTrain Casey Heinzism. This haunting sounding song sings Stop Look and Listen positive lyrics forward while backwards it says "Listen to the cops" over and over at points. Making this a good subliminal tune for people trying to help themselves listen to the police to obey the law. This song is good to also just relax and for troubled teens to listen to. Or just for one to listen to relax and trance to in general. This can be used both as Subliminal and an induction. Yes, police officers may use this song as well.

          Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
          Length: 04:29
          Downloads: 0

        • SLIP Into Mindlessness by Amethyst   , ,  
          Slip Into Mindlessness is a FREE erotic hypnosis file that I have created to strengthen any Slip series hypnotic programming that you may receive from me. This recording will render you erotically mindless and ready to receive my programming just by using a simple trigger word. When your mind is triggered in this way, it becomes "primed" to receive powerful programming. You may have a feeling of mindless as you drop into this deep trance. Sending you into that special mindless state is something that we both want, isn’t that right? Yes, of course! This hypnosis file will program that blissful trigger word into your open and eager mind. I will have a variety of additional hypnosis programming files using this special trigger word. Once you are fully trained, all you will need to do is choose your next stage of programming. There are no tricks in this erotic hypnosis file. No subliminal messages. No wording that you will follow me & only me etc... just honest, blissful hypnosis. What you will hear is the trigger word programming, which is a pre-cursor to many future titles that I plan to record in a wide variety of topics. I'm giving you the programming file for FREE, and you may choose which future SLIP file that you wish to immerse yourself in. FEATURES: long, slow induction, triple voice programming, 10-1 countdown, SLIP trigger, deep theta brainwave technology on very low volume, soft soothing music. Erotic Hypnosis created by Amethyst Copyright 2015 - 41 Minutes - you can find more of my work at: DeepSurrender.com

          Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
          Length: 40:49
          Downloads: 152
          Trigger(by yourself)