
Latest Files

  • Increase IQ    
    The listener will learn to exercise his/her mind and improve his/her concentration and problem-solving ability, raising his/her IQ score over time.

    Personal Growth
    Rating: ★★★★★ (3)
    Length: 23:29
    Downloads: 2335

  • EZ MEM    
    Access your memories, your experiences, everything in your mind like you would a computer. Instantly recall anything and play it back in your mind or review it.

    Personal Growth
    Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
    Length: 21:32
    Downloads: 2338

  • BetterGuitar    
    A file to help improve your guitar skills quickly.

    Personal Growth
    Rating: ★★★★★ (4)
    Length: 22:46
    Downloads: 1621

  • LearnLanguage    
    This file help you learn a second language more quickly by allowing you to remember vocabular and sentence structure more easily as well as grasping concepts more quickly.

    Personal Growth
    Rating: ★★★★☆ (6)
    Length: 20:45
    Downloads: 2443

  • SpeedLearning    
    Have you ever noticed how a child picks up things so quickly, yet as adults sometimes it just seems so very difficult to learn anything. This can be helped thru an increase in the learning brainwave state. As young chilren, we spend almost all our time in the learning brainwave state. With this file not only will you begin to learn quickly as you once did many moons ago, but your every new learning will add experience to the last allowing you to pick up things faster and faster.

    Personal Growth
    Rating: ★★★★★ (7)
    Length: 22:08
    Downloads: 3518

  • MemoryImprovement    
    This file helps inprove your memory so you can remember the things you need to more easily.

    Personal Growth
    Rating: ★★★★★ (4)
    Length: 19:27
    Downloads: 2236

  • EzMemRemix    
    This is a remix of EzMem, I added some effects, changed up the voice to differing degrees, and put in SleepReinforce as well.

    Personal Growth
    Rating: ★★★★★ (3)
    Length: 09:52
    Downloads: 984

      • Problem solving & HyperLearning    
        This file concentrates on two main themes: deliberative thinking, the kind that many don't enjoy but need to do more of. And an idea called hyper learning. This is metacognition and encourages habitual awareness of how one can choose to process information when learning and thinking. rnrnI've stayed away from trendy/new agey notions and tried to keep the language close to what most would easily follow in relation to this topic. The word metacognition, for example, is not use in the file itself.rnrnA mild reference to the term fetish is used early in the file as it the notion of a compulsion to deeply enjoy the type of thinking you find the hardest. As a result, some members may prefer not to use the work. rnrnI've used it repeatedly for a few hours at work and did my best work in an area I really dislike and find hard as a result.rnrnThere is no specific induction - so choose one you like if you need one. rnrnI expect an hour looping once a day in the first week should yield noticeable differences in how you view the world and thinking, conceptualising and methodical problem solving.rnrnIt tries to stay away from making you believe your smarter or any of the positive affirmation style suggestions - I aimed for pragmatic self awareness and deliberative focus. It may work well with the slow time and heightened sense files, once you've used this enough times.rnrnPlease offer feedback if you try it - but to give it a genuine chance, I do think it needs a few hours of usage over a week or two.rnrnI classify it as permanent - time will tell as to whether this is true however!rnrnrnThank you!

        Personal Growth
        Rating: ★★★★☆ (1)
        Length: 13:26
        Downloads: 115

      • Darker Skin    
        Increase melanin and darken skinrnwww.TransformHypnosis.com

        Personal Growth
        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 12:00
        Downloads: 0

      • ASM124 - Health Improve (W/Binatural)    
        This file is intended to help you improve your health, it makes you visualize energy filling your body and removing physical and emotional stress. With binatural effects for better results. A medium-length induction. Volume: 95db, you may use headphones with mid-volume. Recommended: listen to this file 30 minutes before going to sleep every night for at least a week. Comments are welcome.

        Personal Growth
        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 22:55
        Downloads: 716

      • ASM124 - Mejorar Salud    
        Éste archivo sirve para ayudar a recuperar y mantener la buena salud, hace que visualices energía que purifica y sana tu cuerpo, quitando el estrés físico y emocional. Sin efectos binaturales. Inducción media. Volumen: 95db, puedes usar audífonos con un volumen medio. Recomendación: escucha este archivo 30 minutos antes de ir a dormir por al menos una semana. También disponible en Inglés.

        Personal Growth
        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 23:52
        Downloads: 42

      • ASM124 - Pánico Escenico    
        Éste archivo sirve para ayudar a aquellos que se sienten incómodos hablando en público o se les dificulta expresar sus sentimientos é ideas. Les ayuda dándoles la confianza que necesitan en esas situaciones. Sin efectos binaturales. Inducción corta. Volumen: 95db, puedes usar audífonos con un volumen medio. Recomendación: escucha este archivo 30 minutos antes de ir a dormir durante al menos una semana. También disponible en Inglés.

        Personal Growth
        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 12:43
        Downloads: 33

      • ASM124 - Attitude Adjust - Temper Control    
        This files is intended for people who feel they loose control sometimes, even when talking to someone, this will help you control your temper and also it makes you be able to face discussions without loosing control. With no binatural effects this time. And a medium-length induction. Volume: 95db, you may use headphones with mid-volume. Recommended: listen to this file 30 minutes before going to sleep every night for at least a week. Comments are welcome.

        Personal Growth
        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 21:55
        Downloads: 354

      • ASM124 Public Speaking    
        This file is intended to help you feel more confident to express your feelings and ideas to others. With no binatural effects this time. And a medium-length induction. Volume: 95db, you may use headphones with mid-volume. Recommended: listen to this file 30 minutes before going to sleep every night for at least a week. Avaliable in Latin-American Spanish. rnComments are welcome.rn

        Personal Growth
        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 19:39
        Downloads: 472

      • ASM124 Health Improve    
        This file is intended to help you improve your health, it makes you visualize energy filling your body and removing physical and emotional stress. With no binatural effects this time. And a medium-length induction. Volume: 95db, you may use headphones with mid-volume. Recommended: listen to this file 30 minutes before going to sleep every night for at least a week. Also avaliable in lLatin-American Spanish.rnComments are welcome.

        Personal Growth
        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 22:55
        Downloads: 228

      • Robot Bodybuilder coach's voice inside--beta 2    
        beta 2-- second try a little more complete.. . a modification on "the voice" to add a coaches voice in your bodybuilding efforts.. added the planner and added more text to make a better flow , added the other characters,, now the file is longer..( too long?) . looking for feedback.. the goal is a robot to do the workout, coach to mercilessly drive the robot, a planner that plans the optimum growth path ..the guy you are now .. that will fade away .as you transform to a future robot body builder rnlooking for feedback and ideas to move forward

        Personal Growth
        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Downloads: 20
        Trigger(by yourself)

      • Suckling    
        The Name speaks for itself. Relaxing and rebuilding and Comforting And Rejuvenating

        Personal Growth
        Rating: ★☆☆☆☆ (1)
        Length: 23:07
        Downloads: 213
        Trigger(by yourself)

      • SpeedLearning    
        Have you ever noticed how a child picks up things so quickly, yet as adults sometimes it just seems so very difficult to learn anything. This can be helped thru an increase in the learning brainwave state. As young chilren, we spend almost all our time in the learning brainwave state. With this file not only will you begin to learn quickly as you once did many moons ago, but your every new learning will add experience to the last allowing you to pick up things faster and faster.

        Personal Growth
        Rating: ★★★★★ (7)
        Length: 22:08
        Downloads: 3518

      • LearnLanguage    
        This file help you learn a second language more quickly by allowing you to remember vocabular and sentence structure more easily as well as grasping concepts more quickly.

        Personal Growth
        Rating: ★★★★☆ (6)
        Length: 20:45
        Downloads: 2443

      • BetterGuitar    
        A file to help improve your guitar skills quickly.

        Personal Growth
        Rating: ★★★★★ (4)
        Length: 22:46
        Downloads: 1621

      • MemoryImprovement    
        This file helps inprove your memory so you can remember the things you need to more easily.

        Personal Growth
        Rating: ★★★★★ (4)
        Length: 19:27
        Downloads: 2236

      • Creativity increase    
        This file is for increasing your creativity. You will get rid of barriers that block you from new ideas. You will also actively use your creativity in your everyday life to be more progressive, original and inspirational to yourself and others.

        Personal Growth
        Rating: ★★★★☆ (4)
        Length: 14:20
        Downloads: 2038

      • Increase IQ    
        The listener will learn to exercise his/her mind and improve his/her concentration and problem-solving ability, raising his/her IQ score over time.

        Personal Growth
        Rating: ★★★★★ (3)
        Length: 23:29
        Downloads: 2335

      • Follow your dreams    
        You have dreams. Make them reality. Eliminate negative beliefs. Press forward. Make it happen!

        Personal Growth
        Rating: ★★★★★ (3)
        Length: 16:42
        Downloads: 1095

      • EzMemRemix    
        This is a remix of EzMem, I added some effects, changed up the voice to differing degrees, and put in SleepReinforce as well.

        Personal Growth
        Rating: ★★★★★ (3)
        Length: 09:52
        Downloads: 984

      • EZ MEM    
        Access your memories, your experiences, everything in your mind like you would a computer. Instantly recall anything and play it back in your mind or review it.

        Personal Growth
        Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
        Length: 21:32
        Downloads: 2338

      • Contemplation Room    
        Creates a room of unbiased contemplation and decision making in the users head.

        Personal Growth
        Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
        Length: 20:20
        Downloads: 815

        • Problem solving & HyperLearning    
          This file concentrates on two main themes: deliberative thinking, the kind that many don't enjoy but need to do more of. And an idea called hyper learning. This is metacognition and encourages habitual awareness of how one can choose to process information when learning and thinking. rnrnI've stayed away from trendy/new agey notions and tried to keep the language close to what most would easily follow in relation to this topic. The word metacognition, for example, is not use in the file itself.rnrnA mild reference to the term fetish is used early in the file as it the notion of a compulsion to deeply enjoy the type of thinking you find the hardest. As a result, some members may prefer not to use the work. rnrnI've used it repeatedly for a few hours at work and did my best work in an area I really dislike and find hard as a result.rnrnThere is no specific induction - so choose one you like if you need one. rnrnI expect an hour looping once a day in the first week should yield noticeable differences in how you view the world and thinking, conceptualising and methodical problem solving.rnrnIt tries to stay away from making you believe your smarter or any of the positive affirmation style suggestions - I aimed for pragmatic self awareness and deliberative focus. It may work well with the slow time and heightened sense files, once you've used this enough times.rnrnPlease offer feedback if you try it - but to give it a genuine chance, I do think it needs a few hours of usage over a week or two.rnrnI classify it as permanent - time will tell as to whether this is true however!rnrnrnThank you!

          Personal Growth
          Rating: ★★★★☆ (1)
          Length: 13:26
          Downloads: 115

        • Darker Skin    
          Increase melanin and darken skinrnwww.TransformHypnosis.com

          Personal Growth
          Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
          Length: 12:00
          Downloads: 0

        • ASM124 - Health Improve (W/Binatural)    
          This file is intended to help you improve your health, it makes you visualize energy filling your body and removing physical and emotional stress. With binatural effects for better results. A medium-length induction. Volume: 95db, you may use headphones with mid-volume. Recommended: listen to this file 30 minutes before going to sleep every night for at least a week. Comments are welcome.

          Personal Growth
          Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
          Length: 22:55
          Downloads: 716

        • ASM124 - Mejorar Salud    
          Éste archivo sirve para ayudar a recuperar y mantener la buena salud, hace que visualices energía que purifica y sana tu cuerpo, quitando el estrés físico y emocional. Sin efectos binaturales. Inducción media. Volumen: 95db, puedes usar audífonos con un volumen medio. Recomendación: escucha este archivo 30 minutos antes de ir a dormir por al menos una semana. También disponible en Inglés.

          Personal Growth
          Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
          Length: 23:52
          Downloads: 42

        • ASM124 - Pánico Escenico    
          Éste archivo sirve para ayudar a aquellos que se sienten incómodos hablando en público o se les dificulta expresar sus sentimientos é ideas. Les ayuda dándoles la confianza que necesitan en esas situaciones. Sin efectos binaturales. Inducción corta. Volumen: 95db, puedes usar audífonos con un volumen medio. Recomendación: escucha este archivo 30 minutos antes de ir a dormir durante al menos una semana. También disponible en Inglés.

          Personal Growth
          Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
          Length: 12:43
          Downloads: 33

        • ASM124 - Attitude Adjust - Temper Control    
          This files is intended for people who feel they loose control sometimes, even when talking to someone, this will help you control your temper and also it makes you be able to face discussions without loosing control. With no binatural effects this time. And a medium-length induction. Volume: 95db, you may use headphones with mid-volume. Recommended: listen to this file 30 minutes before going to sleep every night for at least a week. Comments are welcome.

          Personal Growth
          Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
          Length: 21:55
          Downloads: 354

        • ASM124 Public Speaking    
          This file is intended to help you feel more confident to express your feelings and ideas to others. With no binatural effects this time. And a medium-length induction. Volume: 95db, you may use headphones with mid-volume. Recommended: listen to this file 30 minutes before going to sleep every night for at least a week. Avaliable in Latin-American Spanish. rnComments are welcome.rn

          Personal Growth
          Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
          Length: 19:39
          Downloads: 472

        • ASM124 Health Improve    
          This file is intended to help you improve your health, it makes you visualize energy filling your body and removing physical and emotional stress. With no binatural effects this time. And a medium-length induction. Volume: 95db, you may use headphones with mid-volume. Recommended: listen to this file 30 minutes before going to sleep every night for at least a week. Also avaliable in lLatin-American Spanish.rnComments are welcome.

          Personal Growth
          Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
          Length: 22:55
          Downloads: 228

        • Robot Bodybuilder coach's voice inside--beta 2    
          beta 2-- second try a little more complete.. . a modification on "the voice" to add a coaches voice in your bodybuilding efforts.. added the planner and added more text to make a better flow , added the other characters,, now the file is longer..( too long?) . looking for feedback.. the goal is a robot to do the workout, coach to mercilessly drive the robot, a planner that plans the optimum growth path ..the guy you are now .. that will fade away .as you transform to a future robot body builder rnlooking for feedback and ideas to move forward

          Personal Growth
          Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
          Downloads: 20
          Trigger(by yourself)

        • Suckling    
          The Name speaks for itself. Relaxing and rebuilding and Comforting And Rejuvenating

          Personal Growth
          Rating: ★☆☆☆☆ (1)
          Length: 23:07
          Downloads: 213
          Trigger(by yourself)