
Latest Files

  • Hypno Steroids — $20    
    Feel your body grow huge as is creates it's own steroids and HGH(human growth hormone). This will maximize your muscle growth and even add a little height without taking any drugs.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 24:27
    Downloads: 134

  • Adaptive Muscle Memory    
    This file will basically allow you to perfectly reproduce actions you have seen others do. For example, let's say you are a bad dancer, then simply watch a good dancer and your brain will automatically analyse the movements and will program your body to be able to do them. This file can be used if you want to play an instrument well like piano or guitar by watching others. You can also copy fighting styles (be careful, some of the copied movements can be strenuous to the body)

    Rating: ★★★★★ (4)
    Length: 22:19
    Downloads: 3706

  • Swordsman's Agility MP3    
    This file helps to increase metabolism slightly so that the body becomes lighter as a result of less extraneous material. Also tones muscle so that it is still strong but not as bulky and therefore easier to move. Finally, increases endurance to hold through long fights or extended running, works well for runners as well.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 22:31
    Downloads: 1893

  • A Perfect Body — $20    
    Find your focus as you work towards the perfect Bodybuilder's body. Don't just work on your body but your life as you find focus in your business, in your personal appearance, and in your own self confidence.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 27:29
    Downloads: 52

  • In The Zone    
    This file will help people to get "in the zone" when it comes to sports or work. "The Zone" is where you sort of go into a light trance, focussed entirely upon what you are doing. When in "The Zone", you perform exceedingly well. It installs a trigger, "get in the zone", but also allows direct willpower entry.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (4)
    Length: 24:17
    Downloads: 2025

  • Train Flexibility    
    This hypnosis file will cause the user to become more flexible by a twofold effect: First, it causes the user to desire greater flexibility and to start working towards it by regular stretching; Second, it directly causes the muscles to loosen, the joints to become more free. It will also have a secondary effect of increasing the desire to get fit and healthy.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
    Length: 23:05
    Downloads: 1763

  • Body Builder — $40    
    A set of 5 files to make you a better body builder and more physically fit.

    AlwaysAJock - This file will create a desire to always be a jock. To work out, be involved in sports, and act like a typical High School jock.
    ImprovedPhysique - The file trains your body to utilize your entire body when working out. Also decreases body fat percentage to about 6 %.
    MuscleGrowth - This file causes genuine muscle growth in the listener until they choose to stop listening, the results are not an illusion, they are real.
    SixPackAbs - Creates a need in the listener to have the perfect set of six pack abs. They will work out, exercise, and devote themselves to the perfect six pack.
    SixPackAbsRemix - This is a remix of SixPackAbs, I added some effects to it and put SleepReinforce in the background.
    TrainBodyBuilder - Makes you into a body builder, obsessed with muscles and fitness.

    Rating: ★★★☆☆ (3)
    Downloads: 140

  • Bodily Perfection — $30    
    The Perfect Skin and Perfect Bikini Body files together for 1 low price.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Downloads: 7

  • Improved Physique — $10    
    The file trains your body to utilize your entire body when working out. Also decreases body fat percentage to about 6 %. Increases the output and results of working out and bodybuilding.

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (1)
    Length: 23:49
    Downloads: 104

  • Perfect Golf — $35    
    Improve your golf game so that every game is better than the last and pretty soon you will be playing Perfect Golf.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 25:27
    Downloads: 4

  • Burn all Night, Die Fly, Depression says (song) s — $10    

    Burn All Night by DNatureofDTrain Casey Heinzism

    Song and lyrics complied by DNatureofDTrain background edited with permission from freepd.com ...

    This song is about Keeping your passion and love to do the right thing. Burn suggestion passion, and when you hear for the right it stands for doing the right thing and changing this world to make it a better place, it is a song about keep love and peace and helping others.. although to someone that may not know this might think it is a spookie song about something else. It is about letting your love and passion keep you going and spreading to others..  

    Depression says by DNatureofDTrain

    background arranged and clipped together from freepd.com 

    Die Fly (song) By DNatureofDTrain is a cover or bodies, DNatureofDTrain's fly hunting song when swatting flies.

    Cover License information

    By Stephen Benton, Michael Luce, Christian Pierce, and David Williams
    Copyright Pounding Drool and Reservoir Media Music


    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 03:27
    Downloads: 0

  • Burn all Night, Die Fly, Depression says (song) s — $10    

    Burn All Night by DNatureofDTrain Casey Heinzism

    Song and lyrics complied by DNatureofDTrain background edited with permission from freepd.com ...

    This song is about Keeping your passion and love to do the right thing. Burn suggestion passion, and when you hear for the right it stands for doing the right thing and changing this world to make it a better place, it is a song about keep love and peace and helping others.. although to someone that may not know this might think it is a spookie song about something else. It is about letting your love and passion keep you going and spreading to others..  

    Depression says by DNatureofDTrain

    background arranged and clipped together from freepd.com 

    Die Fly (song) By DNatureofDTrain is a cover or bodies, DNatureofDTrain's fly hunting song when swatting flies.

    Cover License information

    By Stephen Benton, Michael Luce, Christian Pierce, and David Williams
    Copyright Pounding Drool and Reservoir Media Music


    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 03:27
    Downloads: 0

  • Hypno Steroids — $20    
    Feel your body grow huge as is creates it's own steroids and HGH(human growth hormone). This will maximize your muscle growth and even add a little height without taking any drugs.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 24:27
    Downloads: 134

  • A Perfect Body — $20    
    Find your focus as you work towards the perfect Bodybuilder's body. Don't just work on your body but your life as you find focus in your business, in your personal appearance, and in your own self confidence.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 27:29
    Downloads: 52

  • Body Builder — $40    
    A set of 5 files to make you a better body builder and more physically fit.

    AlwaysAJock - This file will create a desire to always be a jock. To work out, be involved in sports, and act like a typical High School jock.
    ImprovedPhysique - The file trains your body to utilize your entire body when working out. Also decreases body fat percentage to about 6 %.
    MuscleGrowth - This file causes genuine muscle growth in the listener until they choose to stop listening, the results are not an illusion, they are real.
    SixPackAbs - Creates a need in the listener to have the perfect set of six pack abs. They will work out, exercise, and devote themselves to the perfect six pack.
    SixPackAbsRemix - This is a remix of SixPackAbs, I added some effects to it and put SleepReinforce in the background.
    TrainBodyBuilder - Makes you into a body builder, obsessed with muscles and fitness.

    Rating: ★★★☆☆ (3)
    Downloads: 140

  • Bodily Perfection — $30    
    The Perfect Skin and Perfect Bikini Body files together for 1 low price.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Downloads: 7

  • SixPackAbsRemix — $10    
    This is a remix of SixPackAbs, I added some effects to it and put SleepReinforce in the background.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 10:17
    Downloads: 17

  • Improved Physique — $10    
    The file trains your body to utilize your entire body when working out. Also decreases body fat percentage to about 6 %. Increases the output and results of working out and bodybuilding.

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (1)
    Length: 23:49
    Downloads: 104

  • Perfect Golf — $35    
    Improve your golf game so that every game is better than the last and pretty soon you will be playing Perfect Golf.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 25:27
    Downloads: 4

  • Always A Jock — $10    
    This file will create a desire to always be a jock. To work out, be involved in sports, and act like a typical High School jock. The file also increases your sex drive and connects arousal to bodybuilding so that arousal and working out are connected.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 22:37
    Downloads: 86

  • Six Pack Abs — $10    
    Creates a need in the listener to have the perfect set of six pack abs. They will work out, exercise, and devote themselves to the perfect six pack.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 22:08
    Downloads: 25

    • Slow Time    
      This is my own version of Slow Time trance training-The original I created some years ago and has NO specific induction.. In fact at the time I created it as a waking trance, external trance file. My suggestion is try it without an induction at all, or if you have an induction that encourages external awareness already, use that. This file encourages seeing, feeling, hearing more deeply.rnrn

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 40:51
      Downloads: 35

    • Warrior Mind - A Remix    
      HypnoEMG made 3 files: Swordsman's Mind, Heightened Senses and Adaptive Muscle Memory.rnrnI had reason to mix these into a single file with NO Induction/Wakener.rnrnI've added barely subliminal loops of Accelerator.rnrnNoise removal, equalisation, reverb and envelope effects have been used to make this a layered voice file only.rnrnI intend to mix this with my own Slowtime file and Drifting trance (for the motorsport of drifting), however before I layer this up I think some of you may enjoy this one as is.rnrnAll wording script work on this one is HypnoEMG's work.rnrnI've marked it as permanent, however it doesn't have a trigger.rnrnYou need an induction if you are not someone who has a fast trance trigger of your own.rnrnLemme know if you like it and I've seen others do remixes so I hope this is ok!

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 28:38
      Downloads: 66

    • Slowtime Hyper Sense Mix    
      This is an unusual file - I mixed HypnoEMG's work (See my first file, Warrior Mind) that focuses on sense, sense of time and adaptive muscle memory.rnrnThen I layered in my own SlowTime work.rnrnFinally - I built a new file for my use in the motorsport of Drifting. Here I use my memories as a learner drifter to reconstruct the most useful techniques I understand in drifting. rnrnThis file may not work for most on this site beyond some of the sensory and time meditation aspects. However if you are into Drifting, you may find this of some benefit. rnrnLet me know if it's helpful for anyone other than me!rnrnAnd please note, 1 of the 3 layers is NOT my work and have no intention of taking undue credit for the use of HypnoEMG's content.

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 1:24:02
      Downloads: 26

    • coaches voice robot bodybuilder    
      file that takes you deep, gives you a visualization of your new body ,and install a coaches voice for motivation and monitoring your progress... then drifts off to sleep ... meant for right before bedrnrnbodybuilding bodybuilder body builder building

      Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
      Length: 30:00
      Downloads: 430
      Trigger(by yourself)

    • Swordsman's sense    
      A script of EMG's swordsman's sense file. Some slight changes, mostly in pauses. No induction, no awakener.

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Downloads: 23

    • ASM124 - Go to the Gym (W/Binatural)    
      This file is intended to help you go to the gym, it makes you always have the time to go, it makes other activities that could be used by you as excuses, become less important and maybe re-scheduled since going to the gym is important to you and your health. With binatural effects for better results. A short-length induction. Volume: 95db, you may use headphones with mid-volume. Recommended: listen to this file 30 minutes before going to sleep every night for at least a week. Comments are welcome.

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 13:18
      Downloads: 630

    • ASM124 - Go to the Gym    
      This file is intended to help you go to the gym, it makes you always have the time to go, it makes other activities that could be used by you as excuses be less important and maybe re-scheduled since going to the gym is important to you and your health. With no binatural effects this time. And a short-length induction. Volume: 95db, you may use headphones with mid-volume. Recommended: listen to this file 30 minutes before going to sleep every night for at least a week. Comments are welcome.

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 13:18
      Downloads: 529

    • Mammas Breast    
      Relax and let Momma Breast Feed you Non Sexual.

      Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
      Length: 17:55
      Downloads: 161

    • Bimbofied    
      Become a sexy bimbo. 16+. Very quick. You may edit. Please, be nice, as this is my 1st.

      Rating: ★☆☆☆☆ (1)
      Downloads: 59
      Trigger(by accident)

    • Robot Bodybuilder coach's voice inside--treadmill    
      well I recorded it with a binaural surf...just a recap.. in an effort to make better use of treadmill time and to have a better weightlifting work out ...I modified the "the voice".. to allow for 4 persona's the first is a robot ... a perfect beast for the workout ..endless energy, mindless and feel no pain.., a merciless coach that is pushing the robot to it limits..a planner that plans the next work out and finally the last which is everything left over ..there are 2 recording ..this is tread mill recording.. to be play the night before the your treadmill session.. if you do treadmill before weightlifting then download both ..and edit using audacity...I personally rotate between aerobic and anaerobic

      Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
      Length: 24:00
      Downloads: 295
      Trigger(by yourself)

    • WeightTraining    
      This file makes you want to use weight training to shape your body into the one you have always wanted. Also makes you eat better and increases self-confidence.

      Rating: ★★★☆☆ (14)
      Length: 25:39
      Downloads: 2461

    • PerfectBodyFile    
      What I done with this one is start with SwimmersBody, and take out all the parts calling it a curse, then take out the parts making your body more like a swimmers and less like a bodybuilder, so that its more of a perfect body file, then I laid SixPackAbs over it and added some effects. The SwimmersBody part of this file still encourages you to work out and encourages you to take up things like swimming, and still encourages perfect skin and some hair loss on the body, but not on the face or head..I use this file to help keep myself focused on cardio exercise, great abs, and fat loss. If this file doesn't belong on this site please PM me and I'll take it down.

      Rating: ★★★★★ (5)
      Length: 10:15
      Downloads: 3663

    • WeightLoss    
      This file will help you lose weight, it works best for submissives but should work for anyone. For best results listen regularly for several weeks.

      Rating: ★★★★★ (4)
      Length: 18:28
      Downloads: 2185

    • In The Zone    
      This file will help people to get "in the zone" when it comes to sports or work. "The Zone" is where you sort of go into a light trance, focussed entirely upon what you are doing. When in "The Zone", you perform exceedingly well. It installs a trigger, "get in the zone", but also allows direct willpower entry.

      Rating: ★★★★★ (4)
      Length: 24:17
      Downloads: 2025

    • Adaptive Muscle Memory    
      This file will basically allow you to perfectly reproduce actions you have seen others do. For example, let's say you are a bad dancer, then simply watch a good dancer and your brain will automatically analyse the movements and will program your body to be able to do them. This file can be used if you want to play an instrument well like piano or guitar by watching others. You can also copy fighting styles (be careful, some of the copied movements can be strenuous to the body)

      Rating: ★★★★★ (4)
      Length: 22:19
      Downloads: 3706

    • IncreasedMetabolism - Voodoo Remix    
      This is edit of HypnoEMG’s IncreasedMetabolism with any reference to weight loss or losing size cut from it. It’s intended for those trying to keep lean whilst gaining muscle. This is my first submission so comments especially welcomed.

      Rating: ★★★★☆ (3)
      Length: 20:08
      Downloads: 865

    • BodyBuilderRemix    
      This is a remix of the TrainBodyBuilder file, I added some effects and put in SleepReinforce, I have found this remix to be rather intense, I hope someone else likes it too.

      Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
      Length: 06:08
      Downloads: 2184

    • Train Flexibility    
      This hypnosis file will cause the user to become more flexible by a twofold effect: First, it causes the user to desire greater flexibility and to start working towards it by regular stretching; Second, it directly causes the muscles to loosen, the joints to become more free. It will also have a secondary effect of increasing the desire to get fit and healthy.

      Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
      Length: 23:05
      Downloads: 1763

    • hormones with binaural surf    
      part 2 of bodybuilding series rnjust a note on the recording rnthe goal of this script is to get your hormones primed for healing and muscle growthrnthe second part is to get rid of excess hair and start getting the effect of a tan..rnrnhormone manipulation in hypnosis is questionable .. and some consider dangerousrnrnin regards to "can the mind control hormones?" There are documented cases of hypnosisrneffecting stress hormones (how much is that related to a little relaxation rnand how much due to the sugeestion? you decide )rnAlso a woman with split personality had one personality that had diabetes rnand others that didn't ..so her mind was doing this... so I believe hypnosis can rncontrol to a point , but I also believe it is limited to the normal bell curve... rnie hypnosis will not give you the effect of massive steriod injections ..rnbut where as hormones vary widely in humans and most steriod users are lucky if they rnget to the high end of the natural bell curve.. rnrnthen this should be equivilence of a decent dose....and relatively harmlessrnthis is my belief and belief is important for hypnosis to work...rnrnIn regards to hair falling out .. in my case it seems to have increased the amount rnI find in drain in my morning shower so I believe it is doing somethingrnrnTanning is new... but I saw something that indicated some one was able tornget a person to efect as if they had a sun burn... releasing melinatin is caused by rnhormones ..so why not rnrnI am an ameatuer so take this all with a grain of salt ...no warenty impliedrnor offered.. use at own risk..rnlet me know how it worked for you

      Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
      Length: 03:30
      Downloads: 612
      Permanent(when safe)

    • Mammas Breast    
      Relax and let Momma Breast Feed you Non Sexual.

      Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
      Length: 17:55
      Downloads: 161

      • Burn all Night, Die Fly, Depression says (song) s — $10    

        Burn All Night by DNatureofDTrain Casey Heinzism

        Song and lyrics complied by DNatureofDTrain background edited with permission from freepd.com ...

        This song is about Keeping your passion and love to do the right thing. Burn suggestion passion, and when you hear for the right it stands for doing the right thing and changing this world to make it a better place, it is a song about keep love and peace and helping others.. although to someone that may not know this might think it is a spookie song about something else. It is about letting your love and passion keep you going and spreading to others..  

        Depression says by DNatureofDTrain

        background arranged and clipped together from freepd.com 

        Die Fly (song) By DNatureofDTrain is a cover or bodies, DNatureofDTrain's fly hunting song when swatting flies.

        Cover License information

        By Stephen Benton, Michael Luce, Christian Pierce, and David Williams
        Copyright Pounding Drool and Reservoir Media Music


        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 03:27
        Downloads: 0

      • Warrior Mind - A Remix    
        HypnoEMG made 3 files: Swordsman's Mind, Heightened Senses and Adaptive Muscle Memory.rnrnI had reason to mix these into a single file with NO Induction/Wakener.rnrnI've added barely subliminal loops of Accelerator.rnrnNoise removal, equalisation, reverb and envelope effects have been used to make this a layered voice file only.rnrnI intend to mix this with my own Slowtime file and Drifting trance (for the motorsport of drifting), however before I layer this up I think some of you may enjoy this one as is.rnrnAll wording script work on this one is HypnoEMG's work.rnrnI've marked it as permanent, however it doesn't have a trigger.rnrnYou need an induction if you are not someone who has a fast trance trigger of your own.rnrnLemme know if you like it and I've seen others do remixes so I hope this is ok!

        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 28:38
        Downloads: 66

      • Slow Time    
        This is my own version of Slow Time trance training-The original I created some years ago and has NO specific induction.. In fact at the time I created it as a waking trance, external trance file. My suggestion is try it without an induction at all, or if you have an induction that encourages external awareness already, use that. This file encourages seeing, feeling, hearing more deeply.rnrn

        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 40:51
        Downloads: 35

      • Slowtime Hyper Sense Mix    
        This is an unusual file - I mixed HypnoEMG's work (See my first file, Warrior Mind) that focuses on sense, sense of time and adaptive muscle memory.rnrnThen I layered in my own SlowTime work.rnrnFinally - I built a new file for my use in the motorsport of Drifting. Here I use my memories as a learner drifter to reconstruct the most useful techniques I understand in drifting. rnrnThis file may not work for most on this site beyond some of the sensory and time meditation aspects. However if you are into Drifting, you may find this of some benefit. rnrnLet me know if it's helpful for anyone other than me!rnrnAnd please note, 1 of the 3 layers is NOT my work and have no intention of taking undue credit for the use of HypnoEMG's content.

        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 1:24:02
        Downloads: 26

      • coaches voice robot bodybuilder    
        file that takes you deep, gives you a visualization of your new body ,and install a coaches voice for motivation and monitoring your progress... then drifts off to sleep ... meant for right before bedrnrnbodybuilding bodybuilder body builder building

        Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
        Length: 30:00
        Downloads: 430
        Trigger(by yourself)

      • Swordsman's sense    
        A script of EMG's swordsman's sense file. Some slight changes, mostly in pauses. No induction, no awakener.

        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Downloads: 23

      • ASM124 - Go to the Gym (W/Binatural)    
        This file is intended to help you go to the gym, it makes you always have the time to go, it makes other activities that could be used by you as excuses, become less important and maybe re-scheduled since going to the gym is important to you and your health. With binatural effects for better results. A short-length induction. Volume: 95db, you may use headphones with mid-volume. Recommended: listen to this file 30 minutes before going to sleep every night for at least a week. Comments are welcome.

        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 13:18
        Downloads: 630

      • ASM124 - Go to the Gym    
        This file is intended to help you go to the gym, it makes you always have the time to go, it makes other activities that could be used by you as excuses be less important and maybe re-scheduled since going to the gym is important to you and your health. With no binatural effects this time. And a short-length induction. Volume: 95db, you may use headphones with mid-volume. Recommended: listen to this file 30 minutes before going to sleep every night for at least a week. Comments are welcome.

        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 13:18
        Downloads: 529

      • Mammas Breast    
        Relax and let Momma Breast Feed you Non Sexual.

        Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
        Length: 17:55
        Downloads: 161

      • Bimbofied    
        Become a sexy bimbo. 16+. Very quick. You may edit. Please, be nice, as this is my 1st.

        Rating: ★☆☆☆☆ (1)
        Downloads: 59
        Trigger(by accident)