
Latest Files

  • Autumn Leaf Induction    
    This is simply an induction to take you down VERY deeply into trance using guided imagery and a gentle wind. Imagine your mind blown along as an autumn leaf and you will get the idea, you should find yourself feeling wonderful when you awaken. Enjoy!

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 14:13
    Downloads: 65
    Only while under

  • Perfectly Suggestible    
    This is an improved Suggestible file to help people that have problems with my other files(and other hypnotists as well). It uses the 7PlusOrMinus2 induction which is a good induction for people who have troubles going under.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
    Length: 22:13
    Downloads: 984

  • 7 Plus Or Minus 2    
    This induction works on the principle that you can only keep 7 things in your mind(plus or minus 2). It's a good induction for analytical people.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 09:23
    Downloads: 878

  • Simple Induction    
    This is a simple induction that uses relaxation to bring you down into a nice relaxed state. It takes you down and brings you right back up with suggestions that will help you trance in the future.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 15:14
    Downloads: 274

  • Money Magnet — $10    
    Ever notice that some people get all the luck, that money seems to flow their way like water. Now it's your turn. Become a Money Magnet.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 25:18
    Downloads: 64

  • Relaxation Induction    
    Feel youself relaxing more and more as you are gently taken down into a state of hypnosis.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (3)
    Length: 16:57
    Downloads: 608

  • TrigHeight    
    Allows you to trigger a change in your height by a number of inches or feet. The triggers are "Grow (a number of inches or feet) Now" and "Shrink (a number of inches or feet) Now" When you are done you say "Revert to normal" to go back to normal.

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (4)
    Length: 22:23
    Downloads: 649

  • Train Total Control    
    The listener of this file will be able to gain complete control of all their voluntary and involuntary bodily actions such as their heartbeat, nerves and pain receptors so they do not have to feel any pain, hair growth rate, hormone production, etc. Basically what this file does is unlock all the parts of your brain that werent already unlocked allowing you to control you body utterly.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (5)
    Length: 21:40
    Downloads: 2304

  • Guided Induction    
    This induction uses guided imagery to induce trance.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 10:13
    Downloads: 566

  • Elman Induction    
    This is an induction based on the techniques used by Dave Elman, it combines a variety of techniques to achieve trance.

    Rating: ★★★☆☆ (1)
    Length: 13:05
    Downloads: 746

  • Life is Like an Express Train, Amtrak, (Song) — $10    

    Life is Like an Express Train by DNatureofDTrain

    Casey Heinzism. Song lyrics and tune wrote by Casey.rnBackground edited and quick mixed and compiled by Casey from freepd.com, and soundbible.com

    Amtrak Long Distance Trains Song by DNatureofDTrain Casey Heinzism 

    When I say Jump by DNatureofDTrain

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 03:51
    Downloads: 0

  • Dieting Loop subliminal    
    Dieting Loop subliminalrnby Casey this is to help you stick with your dietrnlisten to once a day for 30 days while waking up or falling asleep.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 05:17
    Downloads: 15

  • Heinzist Affirmation subliminal    
    Heinzist Affirmation subliminalrnby Casey Heinzism masked under a train sound.rnlisten daily once a day for 30 daysrnwhile waking up or going to sleep or on loop

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 05:32
    Downloads: 5

  • Build Confidence Subliminal    
    This is a subliminal to build confidence, masked under railroad train sounds.rnYou listen to it once a day as you get up or fall asleep or you can loop it on repeat as your sleep. by Casey Heinzism DNatureofDTrain

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 05:34
    Downloads: 49

  • Smoke Free subliminal    
    This file is to help you become free from smoking.rnmasked under railroad train sounds.rnYou listen to it once a day as you are going to sleep or waking up, or loop it while sleeping for 30 days. by Casey Heinzism DNatureofDTrain

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 04:47
    Downloads: 12

  • Life is Like an Express Train, Amtrak, (Song) — $10    

    Life is Like an Express Train by DNatureofDTrain

    Casey Heinzism. Song lyrics and tune wrote by Casey.rnBackground edited and quick mixed and compiled by Casey from freepd.com, and soundbible.com

    Amtrak Long Distance Trains Song by DNatureofDTrain Casey Heinzism 

    When I say Jump by DNatureofDTrain

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 03:51
    Downloads: 0

  • Money Magnet — $10    
    Ever notice that some people get all the luck, that money seems to flow their way like water. Now it's your turn. Become a Money Magnet.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 25:18
    Downloads: 64

  • TrainBodyBuilder — $10    
    Makes you into a body builder, obsessed with muscles and fitness.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 18:04
    Downloads: 69

    • Hypno train    

      A calm and pieceful recording that will take you on a short trip on a train. No music, no binarual or anything else, only my voice and your imagination. 

      This files contains general suggestions for confidence and feeling safe.

      Please, feel free to comment on this one.

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 09:37
      Downloads: 19
      Only while under

    • Indução rápida e profunda    

      Certifique-se de estar em um lugar confortável,

      esteja deitado ou sentado, quero que você relaxe.

      Afinal, a hipnose se resume a relaxar;

      portanto, quando você estiver em um lugar confortável e sem distrações, quero que puxe o ar profundamente.

      Respire fundo, prenda a respiração por 3 segundos ou menos e expire.

      Apenas respire em um ritmo confortável,

      mantenha respirando profundamente, mantendo-o por no máximo 3 segundos e solte.

      Apenas continue respirando e relaxando,


      é disso que se trata a hipnose;

      relaxe enquanto respira profundamente,

       segurando-o e 1...2....3.... solte.

      Continue respirando profundamente por mim e imagine que cada respiração o deixa um pouco mais relaxado,

      enquanto cada vez solta,

      parece que você está se livrando todo o seu estresse e preocupações.

      Imagine que, a cada respiração,

      você está respirando um calor,

      um calor que não é muito quente nem muito frio.

      Imagine segurar esse calor enquanto segura a respiração um pouco,

      fazendo você se sentir um pouco mais relaxado.

      Então, finalmente, imagine soltar o frio e o estresse do seu dia,

      apenas imagine que ele seja substituído pelo calor dentro de você.

      Apenas continue respirando o relaxamento quente,

      mantendo-o próximo e depois soltando o frio.

      Continue respirando no calor,

      segurando-o e soltando todas as tensões e preocupações.

      Apenas relaxe enquanto mantém a respiração relaxada e solte o estresse;

      depois de tudo isso, isso é hipnose.

      Apenas relaxe enquanto você respira calor,

      mantendo-o próximo e depois soltando seu estresse e preocupações frios.

      Continue respirando o calor do relaxamento,

      mantendo-o próximo e soltando suas preocupações e tensões frias.

      Imagine esse calor como puro relaxamento,

      Perceba um leve formigamento na pele ou um calor que brilha a cada respiração.

      Imagine que cada respiração que você respira espalhe esse calor pelo corpo,

      se começa nos dedos dos pés ou em algum outro lugar,

      você decide

      Imagine que cada vez que solta o ar, permita que o relaxamento se espalhe porque você está soltando todo o seu estresse e preocupações.

      Imagine respirar fundo para dar espaço ao calor,

      sendo esse calor puro relaxamento.

      Apenas respire o relaxamento quente,

      segurando-o para permitir que ele se espalhe cada vez mais e soltando exalando  todas as suas preocupações para dar espaço ao calor.

      Continue fazendo isso, quanto mais você faz,

      mais o relaxamento se espalha pelo seu corpo.

      Apenas continue respirando profundamente esse calor que se espalha,

      segure-o e solte todos os seus estresses e preocupações.

      Imagine esse calor se espalhando por todo o corpo,

      onde tudo começou.

      Imagine que,

      onde quer que o calor se espalhe,

      seu corpo responda com ainda mais relaxamento.

      E quando seu corpo relaxa cada vez mais,

      o calor se espalha ainda mais.

      Respira profundamente,

      segura e depois solte;

      Para relaxar ao calor, seu corpo deve estar muito relaxado.

      Depois disso,

      hipnose é apenas respirar profundamente e relaxar,

      para que o calor se espalhe pelo seu corpo.

       Com cada palavra que você ouve e cada respiração que você respira,

      você se sentirá muito relaxado.

      O calor se espalha pelo seu corpo e logo se espalha pela sua mente.

      Você pode imaginar o calor como um cobertor quente que o cobre da cabeça aos pés.

      O cobertor quente cobre todas as partes do seu corpo e faz você se sentir ainda mais relaxado.

      Imagine esse cobertor aquecendo seu corpo e espalhando o calor por cada centímetro do seu corpo.

      Cada respiração permite que esse calor se espalhe ainda mais,

      segurá-lo faz brilhar e soltar faz você se sentir bem e relaxado.

      Sinta esse relaxamento espalhado pelo corpo como um cobertor quente,

      relaxando qualquer tensão nos músculos e aliviando os pensamentos.

      Cada respiração relaxa cada vez mais,

      enquanto cada vez que solta libera qualquer tensão em seu corpo.

       Enquanto relaxa cada vez mais

      você pode permitir que sua mente se perceba.

      Em quanto sua mente esvazia, minhas palavras podem guiá-la para um lugar especial que você deseja ir.

      Sua mente pode imaginar uma escada,

      pode ser qualquer escada em que você possa pensar.

      Com degraus firmes e macios totalmente segura.

      uma escada do palácio sobre a qual reis e rainhas andam

      ou até mesmo uma escada comun.

      Seja qual for a escada que você imaginar,

      sempre haverá 10 degraus nesta escada.

      Sua mente pode imaginar que o final da escada é desconhecido para você,

      pois um nevoeiro de uma cor suave está bloqueando o que está no final da escada.

      Este nevoeiro parece ser mais denso perto do fim da escada.

      Embora sua mente não consiga enxergar além dessa névoa maravilhosa,

      minhas palavras podem ajudar

      a guiá-lo até o pé da escada.

      Minhas palavras começam em 10 e contam até 0,

      cada número contado representa sua mente descendo esta escada.

      Cada passo que você dá,

      mais relaxada sua mente fica

      Cada passo apenas aumenta o seu relaxamento,

      fazendo você se aprofundar cada vez mais nessa sensação de calor.

      Tudo o que você precisa fazer é respirar fundo,

      segurar um pouco e solte

      Enquanto minha palavra o guia.

      Dando o primeiro passo, começando com –


      Respire profundamente a cada passo,

      deixando o relaxamento aumentar apenas o suficiente para fazer você se sentir bem


      Senta sua mente se tornar um pouco nebulosa enquanto você respira a adorável neblina


      Senta minhas palavras guiá-lo cada vez mais abaixo nesta maravilhosa escada,

      sentindo-se relaxar ainda mais


      Dando mais um passo para baixo,

      a neblina se torna um pouco mais densa enquanto seus pensamentos começam a diminuir


      Minhas palavras guiando você cada vez mais longe,

      fazendo você relaxar cada vez mais


      No meio da escada,

      permitindo que minhas palavras o guiem cada vez mais

      à medida que sua mente se torna mais nebulosa


      Deixando minhas palavras guiarem sua mente escada abaixo,

      enquanto você dá outro passo.

      Deixando essas palavras encherem sua mente




      Sua mente se tornando ainda mais nebulosa,

      sem mais pensamentos enquanto minhas palavras enchem sua mente.

      Fazendo você se sentir ainda mais relaxado


      Sua mente se tornando cada vez mais em branco,

      apenas minhas palavras e puro relaxamento são deixadas


      Dando o passo final enquanto você entra em transe completamente

      Deixar minhas palavras guiá-lo cada vez mais fundo,

      cada palavra tornando-o cada vez mais relaxado.

      Sua mente está vazia,

      sem mais pensamentos,

      apenas minhas palavras.

      Minhas palavras apenas o guiarão ainda mais,

      minhas palavras enchendo sua cabeça cada vez mais.

      Permita que minhas palavras guiem e moldem sua mente relaxada,

      minhas palavras são como seus pensamentos.

      Minhas palavras fluem para sua cabeça como uma verdade,

      sua mente permitirá que minhas palavras moldem você.

      Minhas palavras são seus pensamentos.

      Agora minhas palavras o guiarão e permitirão que você aceite qualquer sugestão minha.

      Sempre que você ouvir eu falar * DURMA *,

      você voltará a esse estado, não poderá resistir às minhas palavras.

      Você se deixará ficar em branco e muito relaxado como está agora,

      quando me ouvir falar * DURMA *.

      Você simplesmente voltará a um transe feliz

      como está agora e permitirá que minhas palavras

      moldem você e sua mente quando você me ouvir falar * DURMA *.

      Você está se sentindo muito relaxado e em branco,

      permitindo que minhas palavras façam você se sentir muito relaxado.

      você se lembrará do gatilho que lhe dei.

      Você se lembrará de que sempre que eu disser * DURMA *,

      você volta a esse transe adorável.


      Mas agora é hora de acordar, quando você acordar,

      você se lembrará dos gatilhos que lhe dei.


      Vou contar de 1 a 10, cada número o despertará cada vez mais

      quando eu chegar a 10,

      você estará totalmente acordado e sentirá como se tivesse tirado a melhor soneca de todos os tempos

      Deixe minhas palavras guiá-lo, começando com -


      Permitindo que minhas palavras o levem suavemente

      permitindo que minhas palavras o guiem de volta


      Me sentindo um pouco mais acordada,

      minhas palavras te guiando


      Cada número faz você se sentir cada vez mais acordado


      Sentindo-se cada vez mais consciente


      Minhas palavras te empurrando cada vez mais


      Sentindo-se capaz de pensar novamente


      Tornando-se cada vez mais acordado


      Sentindo que você está acordando da melhor soneca de todos os tempos


      Se esticando e alongando, totalmente acordado e renovado.



      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Downloads: 7

    • Dieting Loop subliminal    
      Dieting Loop subliminalrnby Casey this is to help you stick with your dietrnlisten to once a day for 30 days while waking up or falling asleep.

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 05:17
      Downloads: 15

    • Heinzist Affirmation subliminal    
      Heinzist Affirmation subliminalrnby Casey Heinzism masked under a train sound.rnlisten daily once a day for 30 daysrnwhile waking up or going to sleep or on loop

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 05:32
      Downloads: 5

    • Build Confidence Subliminal    
      This is a subliminal to build confidence, masked under railroad train sounds.rnYou listen to it once a day as you get up or fall asleep or you can loop it on repeat as your sleep. by Casey Heinzism DNatureofDTrain

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 05:34
      Downloads: 49

    • Smoke Free subliminal    
      This file is to help you become free from smoking.rnmasked under railroad train sounds.rnYou listen to it once a day as you are going to sleep or waking up, or loop it while sleeping for 30 days. by Casey Heinzism DNatureofDTrain

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 04:47
      Downloads: 12

    • Autumn Leaf Induction    
      This is simply an induction to take you down VERY deeply into trance using guided imagery and a gentle wind. Imagine your mind blown along as an autumn leaf and you will get the idea, you should find yourself feeling wonderful when you awaken. Enjoy!

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 14:13
      Downloads: 65
      Only while under

    • Sex Positive Trance    
      Content is as follows:rnrnTake a second now to feel and to pausernand with every moment, word and clausernyou can relax deeply into your bodyrnas comfort you increasingly embodyrnrnIt is just so very easyrnto breathe in so deep and breezyrnAs your relaxation is increasingrnand all your tension is now decreasingrnrnat just the speed that for you is rightrnyou can find your body a bit less tightrnJust remember that this processrnall can be completely thoughtlessrnrnIt does not matter what you might thinkrnyou still can deeper in trance yet sinkrnIt does not matter where your mind might gornyou can to where the words take you still flowrnrnAs you continue now to descendrnlet go of all the things you defendrnthat are no longer neededrnand have yourself impededrnrnYou know now that it is just the timerninto a different self to climbrnand as you put on this new skinrngreat new things can start to beginrnrnit doesn’t matter how much or how littlernthat your conscious mind might be noncommittalrnthis is for your mind other than consciousrnfor its deeper desires all to confessrnrnIt does not matter what you might thinkrnyou still can deeper in trance yet sinkrnIt does not matter where your mind might gornyou can to where the words take you still flowrnrnYou can find a place that is beyond judgementrnsomewhere inside you now for your bettermentrnIn every way that for you will be bestrnand in your environment will be safestrnrnConsider the things that are best for yournso no matter what you might want to dornFor while exploring your mind deeply rnyour purpose is to do so simplyrnrnto change your life for the betterrnand not to follow the letterrnof someone else’s instructionsrnno matter what their intentionsrnrnIt does not matter what you might thinkrnyou still can deeper in trance yet sinkrnIt does not matter where your mind might gornyou can to where the words take you still flowrnrnYou can treat yourself as a loved onernand everything that is by you donernwill help you shape your behaviorrnin the ways that you will preferrnrnAt whatever pace might be healthyrnyou can become all you want to bernboth outside yourself and also withinrnyou can leave behind the things you have beenrnthat are no longer useful nor productivernand embrace actions that are more constructivernrnThis is true whether in trance or outrnand it will help you remove your doubtrnabout those things you might want to getrnthat you have not gotten just quite yetrnWith safety you can now take that magic leaprnand plunge into the life that you want to keeprnrnWhere Pleasure, gratitude, and appreciationrnall flow freely and become your new foundationrnfor a new state of mind and state of beingrnwhere many things differently you are seeingrnwith whatever degree of consciousnessrnthat will give you plenty of confidencernrnYour purpose is as simple as it is clearrnto wander along Pleasure’s awesome frontierrnwhere pure pleasure is your sole objectivernin ways peaceful, joyful, and connectivernrnBy moving into and embracing your profound claimrnto this way of being and living in this new framernyou are going beyond your sexual shamernand leaving behind all old degrading blamernrnrnAll the parts of you that are primal and purerncan become the act of sex and will curernthe anxieties that are fading from your presentrnand are being replaced with a stronger cementrnthat glues you to your current sensesrnleaving behind all old pretensesrnrnby reconnecting with your true sexualityrnand putting aside all of your old mentalityrnyou can find all the parts deep in your corernthat become the face of your sacred whorernalong with the parts of you beyond judgmentrnthat experience the sexual as a sacramentrnrnFor it matters not when or how oftenrnyou will come instead you feel a bit Zenrnabout the matter of your crescendornand your peak now all together just flowrnrnNo matter how short or how longrnall is good and nothing is wrongrnBy accepting Pleasure as your satiatorrnnow you have become something special and greater rnrnNow in this moment and state of mindrnPleasure is your Master and is kindrnWorship her with all of your fleshrnand with her soul now you will meshrnrnSo surrender to her all of your focusrnand she opens for you her stunning crocusrnblooming with the scent of sensualityrnrevel in her delicious vitalityrnrnRemember these words and to Pleasure you will returnrnwhenever the time feels right and your fire does burnrnrnHere whether you are male or female matters notrnyou will find that your body is still just as hotrnit is a tool to desire and be desiredrnand by Pleasure you find it is now inspiredrnrnto transcend your thoughts and become pure emotionrnguided by the tide and rhythm of the oceanrnto explore your body and your partner’s perhapsrnas every touch and caress more Pleasure tapsrnrnwashing away the rest of your identityrnas you become all the things you were meant to bernin this very moment here and nowrnlearning that the Pleasure builds and howrnrndeeply entrancing it can be to let gornand let all the wonderful sensations flowrnas you break the shackles of orgasm rnyou learn to embrace each unique spasmrnrnno matter where in your body it might appearrnonly your complete surrender to it is clearrnAs you become your deepest fantasyrnyou just act with pure spontaneityrnrngiving in to every touch and caressrnas your weakness for pleasure you must confessrnnoticing your body in its surrenderrnyou bask in all of its inherent splendorrnrnreaching pure acceptance of this reality:rnyou are submitting to your sexuality rnbecoming one with your natural beastrnand devouring all of your pleasure’s feastrnrnso you will obey to suck, lick, and thrustrnfor it is time to worship and you mustrndrink so deeply from nature’s sweetest cuprnand sacrifice your climax to her uprnrnRepeat the words of worship with me in this momentrnand further yet into Pleasure’s grasp you will be sentrnrnNow in this moment and state of mindrnPleasure is my Master and is kindrnI worship her with all my fleshrnand with her soul now I will meshrnrnI surrender to her all of my focusrnand she opens for me her stunning crocusrnnow blooming with the scent of sensualityrnI revel in her delicious vitalityrnrnI remember these words to Pleasure’s embrace returnrnwhenever the time feels right and my fire does burnrnrnDo whatever is simply necessary-eernto serve her in just the right capacityrnas Pleasure commands all of your bodyrnthere is no line between right and naughtyrnrnShe will help you find love and understandingrnso that you can feel yourself now commandingrnall of your senses through wonderful sensationsrnshaking you all the way down to your foundationsrnrnthrowing off all your preconceptions rnof what might have been your limitationsrnof how little or much you can feelrnas you are lost deep in Pleasure’s zealrnrnShe always has new lessons to teachrnof which to your partner you will preachrnwith each word, caress, and your every touchrnthere is so very little that is too muchrnrnfor both yourself and your partnerrnyou will learn when to go fartherrninto Pleasure’s warm embracerndancing with all of her gracernrnAnd you will also learn when to relaxrnand breathe deeply before the next climaxrnfor there is more for you to have alwaysrnwaiting behind the very next doorwaysrnrnJust give in to each part of your body in turnrnand you will find new ways to Pleasure’s favor earnrnas you grip, suck, nibble, and lickrnyou will feel Pleasure’s distinct prickrnrnSo you will hold on and hold on firmrnas beneath you your lover may squirmrncaught in the grasp of your endless fuckrnyou will from them Pleasure simply suckrnrnRepeat the words of worship with me in this momentrnand further yet into Pleasure’s grasp you will be sentrnrnNow in this moment and state of mindrnI am mastering Pleasure and I am kindrnworshipping with all of my fleshrnand with her soul now I enmeshrnrnSurrendering all of my focusrnNow opening her stunning crocusrnblooming with the scent of sensualityrnrevelling in delicious vitalityrnrnI remember these words to Pleasure’s embrace returnrnwhenever the time feels right and my fire does burnrnrnAs I connect more deeply to Pleasurernand I submit to all of her treasurernI accept her desire to use me for her willrnand yield to her judgment of my worthiness stillrnrnShe is always ready to rise within mernand is ripe with so much possibilityrnwhat form she might take it matters notrnshe satisfies from spot to spotrnrnPleasure teaches me so many lessonsrnthat still within my heart and soul now drumsrneven as I continue to wish to learnrnI do not know for what it is that I yearnrnrnEither with a partner or withoutrnPleasure is beyond reason and doubtrnHer song carries me to another placernwhere I am just a creature of pure gracernrnShe touches me and leads me in her dancernand all of my senses she does enhancernholding me present in her momentrnand to her wishes I become bentrnrnI swim along in Pleasure’s soothing flowrnand where she takes me I do not need to knowrnfor her purposes know no destinationsrnher only reason is the pure sensationsrnrnthat come all so inevitablyrnsweeping everything else beyond mernShe will spill my fluids when she sees fitrnand I will surrender to all of itrnrnI accept Pleasure and become her vesselrnso that deep within me she will always dwellrnLetting her speak through my physicalityrnI become all Pleasure in totalityrnrnRepeat the words of worship with me in this momentrnand further yet into Pleasure’s grasp you will be sentrnrnNow in this moment and state of mindrnI am Pleasure and I am kindrnworship me with all of your fleshrnand with my soul you now will meshrnrnSurrendering all of your focusrnand opening my stunning crocusrnblooming with the scent of sensualityrnrevel in my delicious vitalityrnrnRemember these words to Pleasure’s embrace returnrnwhenever the time feels right and your fire does burnrnrnTake a moment to savor your feelingsrnand to integrate all of the healingsrnthat a positive view of your sexualityrnis now building into your daily realityrnrnas healthier boundaries you constructrnand old preconceptions self-destructrnabout what you thought was possiblernyou have now found yourself more ablernrnto have all the Pleasure that you deservernand you now know how to Pleasure preservernin whatever ways will serve you the bestrnyou will find yourself increasingly blessedrnrnRegardless of what your thoughts beforernyour purpose now you cannot ignorernto feel without barriers to sensationrnyou know is your just holy consecrationrnrnBeyond logic and rationalityrnPleasure will embrace your mortalityrncelebrating your vulnerabilityrnwhen you accept and share your humilityrnrnin being a creature of flesh and bonernyou can now embrace playing a new tonernin the seductive song of Pleasure’s tunernyour harmonizing will now be your boonrnrnhelping you to accept your deeper naturernof which now you know you have become more surernYou will play your part in the world natural rnas just your own very special animalrnrnPleasure is always waiting to with you playrnand is just waiting for the right time of dayrnAs you open yourself wider to all of her giftsrnyou are making room for even more positive shiftsrnrnYou may also free yourself at last rnof whatever bound you to your past rnIf the moment for you is right nowrnfeel yourself going beyond just howrnrnyour limitations came to bernand a fresher you you can seerncarrying you into a better placernas old barriers you can now erasernrnTo a degree that is large or smallrnyou will increasingly hear the callrnof a better place and state of mindrnwith limitations dropping far behindrnrnWherever it is that you wish to gornthe path will be easier to followrnregardless of whether asleep or awakernthese patterns and perspectives will surely makernrndifferences both obvious and subtlernyou know will eventually shuttlernyou to a grander destinationrnnow with less daily complicationrnrnthat will grant more of what you’re looking forrnand less of those things that you might abhorrnso give yourself permission to integraternand let the wisdom of these words propagaternrnso that you can reap all the benefitsrnrunning an internal program that fitsrnyour wishes and your needsrnfeel the change and its seedsrnmaking room for more that you want to dorngrowing up so well deep inside of yournrnNo matter what the path you might choosernyou now know that you have less to losernwhether deeper into trance or coming outrnyou can enjoy more peace of mind and less doubtrnrnSo go now to wherever will feel bestrnwith your mind at ease and much more at restrnback to the rest of your life at lastrnor deeper into pleasures more vastrnrn(c) Karl Ernst Foelsche 10/14/2015rnrn

      Rating: ★★☆☆☆ (1)
      Length: 2:03:54
      Downloads: 96
      Permanent(when safe)

    • deep trance induction and a trigger    
      A simple induction, followed by the addition of a trigger phrase to help you go into trance more easily next time

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 17:05
      Downloads: 251
      Trigger(by anyone)

    • Elman induction fem    
      Elman induction read in female voice

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 14:38
      Downloads: 185
      Only while under

    • Train Total Control    
      The listener of this file will be able to gain complete control of all their voluntary and involuntary bodily actions such as their heartbeat, nerves and pain receptors so they do not have to feel any pain, hair growth rate, hormone production, etc. Basically what this file does is unlock all the parts of your brain that werent already unlocked allowing you to control you body utterly.

      Rating: ★★★★★ (5)
      Length: 21:40
      Downloads: 2304

    • Carsten - Lucid Dreams    
      This file teaches you how to have lucid dreams. A lucid dream is a dream in which you control what is going to happen. You become the director of the dream - as well as the star. Do anything you like in a lucid dream - be anyone or anything. Maybe you want to try being the opposite sex? Maybe you want to fly like Superman. Now is your chance.

      Rating: ★★★★★ (5)
      Length: 15:14
      Downloads: 3686

    • TrigHeight    
      Allows you to trigger a change in your height by a number of inches or feet. The triggers are "Grow (a number of inches or feet) Now" and "Shrink (a number of inches or feet) Now" When you are done you say "Revert to normal" to go back to normal.

      Rating: ★★★★☆ (4)
      Length: 22:23
      Downloads: 649

    • Deepening2    
      This file helps you get the most productive trances and helps all the other files work better at the same time. It also trys to get you at the perfect level of trance for suggestions.

      Rating: ★★★★★ (3)
      Length: 15:21
      Downloads: 1212

    • Deepening    
      This file will help you go into a deeper and deeper state of trance and to do it more easily so all the files on the site will work better.

      Rating: ★★★★★ (3)
      Length: 18:29
      Downloads: 1411

    • Induction    
      Preparation file, helps you get used to entering trance and going deep. Recommended for people who have little or no experience with Hypnosis before they try any of the other files.

      Rating: ★★★★★ (3)
      Length: 12:33
      Downloads: 1163

    • Carsten - Focused Induction    
      This is my version of HypnoEMGs file. It is an excellent induction for people who are having difficulties going into trance with other inductions. It uses confusion techniques to put you in trance.

      Rating: ★★★★★ (3)
      Length: 11:45
      Downloads: 2184

    • Sarnoga - The Road Home    
      This is an induction by Sarnoga. This file will guide you into trance. That is all it does. There are no triggers or post hypnotic suggestions. This induction has no awakening and is suitable for putting in a playlist infront of the body of another file you want to use.

      Rating: ★★★★★ (3)
      Length: 25:00
      Downloads: 494

    • TrainExercise    
      As the name suggests, this file trains the listener to want to exercise, increasing their self discipline to follow trough with this want. The desire to exercise will not become obsessive, no more than 2 or 3 30 minute workouts a week, but coupled with IncreasedMetabolism and WeightLoss, and a little patience, that should be more than enough to become a hardbody!

      Rating: ★★★★★ (3)
      Length: 22:36
      Downloads: 1595

    • Relaxation Induction    
      Feel youself relaxing more and more as you are gently taken down into a state of hypnosis.

      Rating: ★★★★★ (3)
      Length: 16:57
      Downloads: 608

      • Hypno train    

        A calm and pieceful recording that will take you on a short trip on a train. No music, no binarual or anything else, only my voice and your imagination. 

        This files contains general suggestions for confidence and feeling safe.

        Please, feel free to comment on this one.

        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 09:37
        Downloads: 19
        Only while under

      • Indução rápida e profunda    

        Certifique-se de estar em um lugar confortável,

        esteja deitado ou sentado, quero que você relaxe.

        Afinal, a hipnose se resume a relaxar;

        portanto, quando você estiver em um lugar confortável e sem distrações, quero que puxe o ar profundamente.

        Respire fundo, prenda a respiração por 3 segundos ou menos e expire.

        Apenas respire em um ritmo confortável,

        mantenha respirando profundamente, mantendo-o por no máximo 3 segundos e solte.

        Apenas continue respirando e relaxando,


        é disso que se trata a hipnose;

        relaxe enquanto respira profundamente,

         segurando-o e 1...2....3.... solte.

        Continue respirando profundamente por mim e imagine que cada respiração o deixa um pouco mais relaxado,

        enquanto cada vez solta,

        parece que você está se livrando todo o seu estresse e preocupações.

        Imagine que, a cada respiração,

        você está respirando um calor,

        um calor que não é muito quente nem muito frio.

        Imagine segurar esse calor enquanto segura a respiração um pouco,

        fazendo você se sentir um pouco mais relaxado.

        Então, finalmente, imagine soltar o frio e o estresse do seu dia,

        apenas imagine que ele seja substituído pelo calor dentro de você.

        Apenas continue respirando o relaxamento quente,

        mantendo-o próximo e depois soltando o frio.

        Continue respirando no calor,

        segurando-o e soltando todas as tensões e preocupações.

        Apenas relaxe enquanto mantém a respiração relaxada e solte o estresse;

        depois de tudo isso, isso é hipnose.

        Apenas relaxe enquanto você respira calor,

        mantendo-o próximo e depois soltando seu estresse e preocupações frios.

        Continue respirando o calor do relaxamento,

        mantendo-o próximo e soltando suas preocupações e tensões frias.

        Imagine esse calor como puro relaxamento,

        Perceba um leve formigamento na pele ou um calor que brilha a cada respiração.

        Imagine que cada respiração que você respira espalhe esse calor pelo corpo,

        se começa nos dedos dos pés ou em algum outro lugar,

        você decide

        Imagine que cada vez que solta o ar, permita que o relaxamento se espalhe porque você está soltando todo o seu estresse e preocupações.

        Imagine respirar fundo para dar espaço ao calor,

        sendo esse calor puro relaxamento.

        Apenas respire o relaxamento quente,

        segurando-o para permitir que ele se espalhe cada vez mais e soltando exalando  todas as suas preocupações para dar espaço ao calor.

        Continue fazendo isso, quanto mais você faz,

        mais o relaxamento se espalha pelo seu corpo.

        Apenas continue respirando profundamente esse calor que se espalha,

        segure-o e solte todos os seus estresses e preocupações.

        Imagine esse calor se espalhando por todo o corpo,

        onde tudo começou.

        Imagine que,

        onde quer que o calor se espalhe,

        seu corpo responda com ainda mais relaxamento.

        E quando seu corpo relaxa cada vez mais,

        o calor se espalha ainda mais.

        Respira profundamente,

        segura e depois solte;

        Para relaxar ao calor, seu corpo deve estar muito relaxado.

        Depois disso,

        hipnose é apenas respirar profundamente e relaxar,

        para que o calor se espalhe pelo seu corpo.

         Com cada palavra que você ouve e cada respiração que você respira,

        você se sentirá muito relaxado.

        O calor se espalha pelo seu corpo e logo se espalha pela sua mente.

        Você pode imaginar o calor como um cobertor quente que o cobre da cabeça aos pés.

        O cobertor quente cobre todas as partes do seu corpo e faz você se sentir ainda mais relaxado.

        Imagine esse cobertor aquecendo seu corpo e espalhando o calor por cada centímetro do seu corpo.

        Cada respiração permite que esse calor se espalhe ainda mais,

        segurá-lo faz brilhar e soltar faz você se sentir bem e relaxado.

        Sinta esse relaxamento espalhado pelo corpo como um cobertor quente,

        relaxando qualquer tensão nos músculos e aliviando os pensamentos.

        Cada respiração relaxa cada vez mais,

        enquanto cada vez que solta libera qualquer tensão em seu corpo.

         Enquanto relaxa cada vez mais

        você pode permitir que sua mente se perceba.

        Em quanto sua mente esvazia, minhas palavras podem guiá-la para um lugar especial que você deseja ir.

        Sua mente pode imaginar uma escada,

        pode ser qualquer escada em que você possa pensar.

        Com degraus firmes e macios totalmente segura.

        uma escada do palácio sobre a qual reis e rainhas andam

        ou até mesmo uma escada comun.

        Seja qual for a escada que você imaginar,

        sempre haverá 10 degraus nesta escada.

        Sua mente pode imaginar que o final da escada é desconhecido para você,

        pois um nevoeiro de uma cor suave está bloqueando o que está no final da escada.

        Este nevoeiro parece ser mais denso perto do fim da escada.

        Embora sua mente não consiga enxergar além dessa névoa maravilhosa,

        minhas palavras podem ajudar

        a guiá-lo até o pé da escada.

        Minhas palavras começam em 10 e contam até 0,

        cada número contado representa sua mente descendo esta escada.

        Cada passo que você dá,

        mais relaxada sua mente fica

        Cada passo apenas aumenta o seu relaxamento,

        fazendo você se aprofundar cada vez mais nessa sensação de calor.

        Tudo o que você precisa fazer é respirar fundo,

        segurar um pouco e solte

        Enquanto minha palavra o guia.

        Dando o primeiro passo, começando com –


        Respire profundamente a cada passo,

        deixando o relaxamento aumentar apenas o suficiente para fazer você se sentir bem


        Senta sua mente se tornar um pouco nebulosa enquanto você respira a adorável neblina


        Senta minhas palavras guiá-lo cada vez mais abaixo nesta maravilhosa escada,

        sentindo-se relaxar ainda mais


        Dando mais um passo para baixo,

        a neblina se torna um pouco mais densa enquanto seus pensamentos começam a diminuir


        Minhas palavras guiando você cada vez mais longe,

        fazendo você relaxar cada vez mais


        No meio da escada,

        permitindo que minhas palavras o guiem cada vez mais

        à medida que sua mente se torna mais nebulosa


        Deixando minhas palavras guiarem sua mente escada abaixo,

        enquanto você dá outro passo.

        Deixando essas palavras encherem sua mente




        Sua mente se tornando ainda mais nebulosa,

        sem mais pensamentos enquanto minhas palavras enchem sua mente.

        Fazendo você se sentir ainda mais relaxado


        Sua mente se tornando cada vez mais em branco,

        apenas minhas palavras e puro relaxamento são deixadas


        Dando o passo final enquanto você entra em transe completamente

        Deixar minhas palavras guiá-lo cada vez mais fundo,

        cada palavra tornando-o cada vez mais relaxado.

        Sua mente está vazia,

        sem mais pensamentos,

        apenas minhas palavras.

        Minhas palavras apenas o guiarão ainda mais,

        minhas palavras enchendo sua cabeça cada vez mais.

        Permita que minhas palavras guiem e moldem sua mente relaxada,

        minhas palavras são como seus pensamentos.

        Minhas palavras fluem para sua cabeça como uma verdade,

        sua mente permitirá que minhas palavras moldem você.

        Minhas palavras são seus pensamentos.

        Agora minhas palavras o guiarão e permitirão que você aceite qualquer sugestão minha.

        Sempre que você ouvir eu falar * DURMA *,

        você voltará a esse estado, não poderá resistir às minhas palavras.

        Você se deixará ficar em branco e muito relaxado como está agora,

        quando me ouvir falar * DURMA *.

        Você simplesmente voltará a um transe feliz

        como está agora e permitirá que minhas palavras

        moldem você e sua mente quando você me ouvir falar * DURMA *.

        Você está se sentindo muito relaxado e em branco,

        permitindo que minhas palavras façam você se sentir muito relaxado.

        você se lembrará do gatilho que lhe dei.

        Você se lembrará de que sempre que eu disser * DURMA *,

        você volta a esse transe adorável.


        Mas agora é hora de acordar, quando você acordar,

        você se lembrará dos gatilhos que lhe dei.


        Vou contar de 1 a 10, cada número o despertará cada vez mais

        quando eu chegar a 10,

        você estará totalmente acordado e sentirá como se tivesse tirado a melhor soneca de todos os tempos

        Deixe minhas palavras guiá-lo, começando com -


        Permitindo que minhas palavras o levem suavemente

        permitindo que minhas palavras o guiem de volta


        Me sentindo um pouco mais acordada,

        minhas palavras te guiando


        Cada número faz você se sentir cada vez mais acordado


        Sentindo-se cada vez mais consciente


        Minhas palavras te empurrando cada vez mais


        Sentindo-se capaz de pensar novamente


        Tornando-se cada vez mais acordado


        Sentindo que você está acordando da melhor soneca de todos os tempos


        Se esticando e alongando, totalmente acordado e renovado.



        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Downloads: 7

      • Life is Like an Express Train, Amtrak, (Song) — $10    

        Life is Like an Express Train by DNatureofDTrain

        Casey Heinzism. Song lyrics and tune wrote by Casey.rnBackground edited and quick mixed and compiled by Casey from freepd.com, and soundbible.com

        Amtrak Long Distance Trains Song by DNatureofDTrain Casey Heinzism 

        When I say Jump by DNatureofDTrain

        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 03:51
        Downloads: 0

      • Dieting Loop subliminal    
        Dieting Loop subliminalrnby Casey this is to help you stick with your dietrnlisten to once a day for 30 days while waking up or falling asleep.

        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 05:17
        Downloads: 15

      • Heinzist Affirmation subliminal    
        Heinzist Affirmation subliminalrnby Casey Heinzism masked under a train sound.rnlisten daily once a day for 30 daysrnwhile waking up or going to sleep or on loop

        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 05:32
        Downloads: 5

      • Build Confidence Subliminal    
        This is a subliminal to build confidence, masked under railroad train sounds.rnYou listen to it once a day as you get up or fall asleep or you can loop it on repeat as your sleep. by Casey Heinzism DNatureofDTrain

        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 05:34
        Downloads: 49

      • Smoke Free subliminal    
        This file is to help you become free from smoking.rnmasked under railroad train sounds.rnYou listen to it once a day as you are going to sleep or waking up, or loop it while sleeping for 30 days. by Casey Heinzism DNatureofDTrain

        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 04:47
        Downloads: 12

      • Autumn Leaf Induction    
        This is simply an induction to take you down VERY deeply into trance using guided imagery and a gentle wind. Imagine your mind blown along as an autumn leaf and you will get the idea, you should find yourself feeling wonderful when you awaken. Enjoy!

        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 14:13
        Downloads: 65
        Only while under

      • Sex Positive Trance    
        Content is as follows:rnrnTake a second now to feel and to pausernand with every moment, word and clausernyou can relax deeply into your bodyrnas comfort you increasingly embodyrnrnIt is just so very easyrnto breathe in so deep and breezyrnAs your relaxation is increasingrnand all your tension is now decreasingrnrnat just the speed that for you is rightrnyou can find your body a bit less tightrnJust remember that this processrnall can be completely thoughtlessrnrnIt does not matter what you might thinkrnyou still can deeper in trance yet sinkrnIt does not matter where your mind might gornyou can to where the words take you still flowrnrnAs you continue now to descendrnlet go of all the things you defendrnthat are no longer neededrnand have yourself impededrnrnYou know now that it is just the timerninto a different self to climbrnand as you put on this new skinrngreat new things can start to beginrnrnit doesn’t matter how much or how littlernthat your conscious mind might be noncommittalrnthis is for your mind other than consciousrnfor its deeper desires all to confessrnrnIt does not matter what you might thinkrnyou still can deeper in trance yet sinkrnIt does not matter where your mind might gornyou can to where the words take you still flowrnrnYou can find a place that is beyond judgementrnsomewhere inside you now for your bettermentrnIn every way that for you will be bestrnand in your environment will be safestrnrnConsider the things that are best for yournso no matter what you might want to dornFor while exploring your mind deeply rnyour purpose is to do so simplyrnrnto change your life for the betterrnand not to follow the letterrnof someone else’s instructionsrnno matter what their intentionsrnrnIt does not matter what you might thinkrnyou still can deeper in trance yet sinkrnIt does not matter where your mind might gornyou can to where the words take you still flowrnrnYou can treat yourself as a loved onernand everything that is by you donernwill help you shape your behaviorrnin the ways that you will preferrnrnAt whatever pace might be healthyrnyou can become all you want to bernboth outside yourself and also withinrnyou can leave behind the things you have beenrnthat are no longer useful nor productivernand embrace actions that are more constructivernrnThis is true whether in trance or outrnand it will help you remove your doubtrnabout those things you might want to getrnthat you have not gotten just quite yetrnWith safety you can now take that magic leaprnand plunge into the life that you want to keeprnrnWhere Pleasure, gratitude, and appreciationrnall flow freely and become your new foundationrnfor a new state of mind and state of beingrnwhere many things differently you are seeingrnwith whatever degree of consciousnessrnthat will give you plenty of confidencernrnYour purpose is as simple as it is clearrnto wander along Pleasure’s awesome frontierrnwhere pure pleasure is your sole objectivernin ways peaceful, joyful, and connectivernrnBy moving into and embracing your profound claimrnto this way of being and living in this new framernyou are going beyond your sexual shamernand leaving behind all old degrading blamernrnrnAll the parts of you that are primal and purerncan become the act of sex and will curernthe anxieties that are fading from your presentrnand are being replaced with a stronger cementrnthat glues you to your current sensesrnleaving behind all old pretensesrnrnby reconnecting with your true sexualityrnand putting aside all of your old mentalityrnyou can find all the parts deep in your corernthat become the face of your sacred whorernalong with the parts of you beyond judgmentrnthat experience the sexual as a sacramentrnrnFor it matters not when or how oftenrnyou will come instead you feel a bit Zenrnabout the matter of your crescendornand your peak now all together just flowrnrnNo matter how short or how longrnall is good and nothing is wrongrnBy accepting Pleasure as your satiatorrnnow you have become something special and greater rnrnNow in this moment and state of mindrnPleasure is your Master and is kindrnWorship her with all of your fleshrnand with her soul now you will meshrnrnSo surrender to her all of your focusrnand she opens for you her stunning crocusrnblooming with the scent of sensualityrnrevel in her delicious vitalityrnrnRemember these words and to Pleasure you will returnrnwhenever the time feels right and your fire does burnrnrnHere whether you are male or female matters notrnyou will find that your body is still just as hotrnit is a tool to desire and be desiredrnand by Pleasure you find it is now inspiredrnrnto transcend your thoughts and become pure emotionrnguided by the tide and rhythm of the oceanrnto explore your body and your partner’s perhapsrnas every touch and caress more Pleasure tapsrnrnwashing away the rest of your identityrnas you become all the things you were meant to bernin this very moment here and nowrnlearning that the Pleasure builds and howrnrndeeply entrancing it can be to let gornand let all the wonderful sensations flowrnas you break the shackles of orgasm rnyou learn to embrace each unique spasmrnrnno matter where in your body it might appearrnonly your complete surrender to it is clearrnAs you become your deepest fantasyrnyou just act with pure spontaneityrnrngiving in to every touch and caressrnas your weakness for pleasure you must confessrnnoticing your body in its surrenderrnyou bask in all of its inherent splendorrnrnreaching pure acceptance of this reality:rnyou are submitting to your sexuality rnbecoming one with your natural beastrnand devouring all of your pleasure’s feastrnrnso you will obey to suck, lick, and thrustrnfor it is time to worship and you mustrndrink so deeply from nature’s sweetest cuprnand sacrifice your climax to her uprnrnRepeat the words of worship with me in this momentrnand further yet into Pleasure’s grasp you will be sentrnrnNow in this moment and state of mindrnPleasure is my Master and is kindrnI worship her with all my fleshrnand with her soul now I will meshrnrnI surrender to her all of my focusrnand she opens for me her stunning crocusrnnow blooming with the scent of sensualityrnI revel in her delicious vitalityrnrnI remember these words to Pleasure’s embrace returnrnwhenever the time feels right and my fire does burnrnrnDo whatever is simply necessary-eernto serve her in just the right capacityrnas Pleasure commands all of your bodyrnthere is no line between right and naughtyrnrnShe will help you find love and understandingrnso that you can feel yourself now commandingrnall of your senses through wonderful sensationsrnshaking you all the way down to your foundationsrnrnthrowing off all your preconceptions rnof what might have been your limitationsrnof how little or much you can feelrnas you are lost deep in Pleasure’s zealrnrnShe always has new lessons to teachrnof which to your partner you will preachrnwith each word, caress, and your every touchrnthere is so very little that is too muchrnrnfor both yourself and your partnerrnyou will learn when to go fartherrninto Pleasure’s warm embracerndancing with all of her gracernrnAnd you will also learn when to relaxrnand breathe deeply before the next climaxrnfor there is more for you to have alwaysrnwaiting behind the very next doorwaysrnrnJust give in to each part of your body in turnrnand you will find new ways to Pleasure’s favor earnrnas you grip, suck, nibble, and lickrnyou will feel Pleasure’s distinct prickrnrnSo you will hold on and hold on firmrnas beneath you your lover may squirmrncaught in the grasp of your endless fuckrnyou will from them Pleasure simply suckrnrnRepeat the words of worship with me in this momentrnand further yet into Pleasure’s grasp you will be sentrnrnNow in this moment and state of mindrnI am mastering Pleasure and I am kindrnworshipping with all of my fleshrnand with her soul now I enmeshrnrnSurrendering all of my focusrnNow opening her stunning crocusrnblooming with the scent of sensualityrnrevelling in delicious vitalityrnrnI remember these words to Pleasure’s embrace returnrnwhenever the time feels right and my fire does burnrnrnAs I connect more deeply to Pleasurernand I submit to all of her treasurernI accept her desire to use me for her willrnand yield to her judgment of my worthiness stillrnrnShe is always ready to rise within mernand is ripe with so much possibilityrnwhat form she might take it matters notrnshe satisfies from spot to spotrnrnPleasure teaches me so many lessonsrnthat still within my heart and soul now drumsrneven as I continue to wish to learnrnI do not know for what it is that I yearnrnrnEither with a partner or withoutrnPleasure is beyond reason and doubtrnHer song carries me to another placernwhere I am just a creature of pure gracernrnShe touches me and leads me in her dancernand all of my senses she does enhancernholding me present in her momentrnand to her wishes I become bentrnrnI swim along in Pleasure’s soothing flowrnand where she takes me I do not need to knowrnfor her purposes know no destinationsrnher only reason is the pure sensationsrnrnthat come all so inevitablyrnsweeping everything else beyond mernShe will spill my fluids when she sees fitrnand I will surrender to all of itrnrnI accept Pleasure and become her vesselrnso that deep within me she will always dwellrnLetting her speak through my physicalityrnI become all Pleasure in totalityrnrnRepeat the words of worship with me in this momentrnand further yet into Pleasure’s grasp you will be sentrnrnNow in this moment and state of mindrnI am Pleasure and I am kindrnworship me with all of your fleshrnand with my soul you now will meshrnrnSurrendering all of your focusrnand opening my stunning crocusrnblooming with the scent of sensualityrnrevel in my delicious vitalityrnrnRemember these words to Pleasure’s embrace returnrnwhenever the time feels right and your fire does burnrnrnTake a moment to savor your feelingsrnand to integrate all of the healingsrnthat a positive view of your sexualityrnis now building into your daily realityrnrnas healthier boundaries you constructrnand old preconceptions self-destructrnabout what you thought was possiblernyou have now found yourself more ablernrnto have all the Pleasure that you deservernand you now know how to Pleasure preservernin whatever ways will serve you the bestrnyou will find yourself increasingly blessedrnrnRegardless of what your thoughts beforernyour purpose now you cannot ignorernto feel without barriers to sensationrnyou know is your just holy consecrationrnrnBeyond logic and rationalityrnPleasure will embrace your mortalityrncelebrating your vulnerabilityrnwhen you accept and share your humilityrnrnin being a creature of flesh and bonernyou can now embrace playing a new tonernin the seductive song of Pleasure’s tunernyour harmonizing will now be your boonrnrnhelping you to accept your deeper naturernof which now you know you have become more surernYou will play your part in the world natural rnas just your own very special animalrnrnPleasure is always waiting to with you playrnand is just waiting for the right time of dayrnAs you open yourself wider to all of her giftsrnyou are making room for even more positive shiftsrnrnYou may also free yourself at last rnof whatever bound you to your past rnIf the moment for you is right nowrnfeel yourself going beyond just howrnrnyour limitations came to bernand a fresher you you can seerncarrying you into a better placernas old barriers you can now erasernrnTo a degree that is large or smallrnyou will increasingly hear the callrnof a better place and state of mindrnwith limitations dropping far behindrnrnWherever it is that you wish to gornthe path will be easier to followrnregardless of whether asleep or awakernthese patterns and perspectives will surely makernrndifferences both obvious and subtlernyou know will eventually shuttlernyou to a grander destinationrnnow with less daily complicationrnrnthat will grant more of what you’re looking forrnand less of those things that you might abhorrnso give yourself permission to integraternand let the wisdom of these words propagaternrnso that you can reap all the benefitsrnrunning an internal program that fitsrnyour wishes and your needsrnfeel the change and its seedsrnmaking room for more that you want to dorngrowing up so well deep inside of yournrnNo matter what the path you might choosernyou now know that you have less to losernwhether deeper into trance or coming outrnyou can enjoy more peace of mind and less doubtrnrnSo go now to wherever will feel bestrnwith your mind at ease and much more at restrnback to the rest of your life at lastrnor deeper into pleasures more vastrnrn(c) Karl Ernst Foelsche 10/14/2015rnrn

        Rating: ★★☆☆☆ (1)
        Length: 2:03:54
        Downloads: 96
        Permanent(when safe)

      • deep trance induction and a trigger    
        A simple induction, followed by the addition of a trigger phrase to help you go into trance more easily next time

        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 17:05
        Downloads: 251
        Trigger(by anyone)