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Experiences with it and questions

PostPosted: May 29th, 2007, 7:33 pm
by TheGiga
Hey there everyone! As you may probably know I'm new here and enjoying the resources provided. Out of a few times I've felt odd things each and everytime =D.

The first time I was listening to an Accelerator file and my entire body started to tingle, then heat up until my forehead (I thought) felt quite warm. The second time I tried I used the SuperHuman Mind file and I could feel myself drift, until it felt like my body was rippling (like waves at an ocean) for a good 5-10 minutes.

Now my third try is also leading up to my question. Considering on my third try it was quite late at night and I was beginning to fall asleep. Eventually (about 10 minutes into the file) I dropped off to sleep and didn't wake up until halfway through the next file afterwards XD at which point I was forcibly awakened.

My question is, 'Will these files still affect you in your sleep?'

When I think about it, they really should considering your conscious mind is completely/primarily out of the way and your sub-conscious mind is roaming free (its what makes your dreams and all that). This would mean it (your mind) should be more susceptible to these things, right?

Whats your thoughts on this topic? Experiences different or similiar? Anything you want to chat about?

PostPosted: June 1st, 2007, 9:49 pm
by iamstretchypanda
Although i normally do the files before i go to bed, i find the files to be more effective when i am alert and my mind is well rested before hand. I am not a sleep expert but i would expect your sub-conscious behaves differently while your sleeping than when you are alert. Perhaps this affects trance?

PostPosted: June 5th, 2007, 9:22 pm
by TheGiga
Hmm fair enough, after all in one state your Subconscious is trying to be brought out and the other it naturally comes out. Either way I think it should work, but perhaps we just aren't as aware of the changes simply because we're too asleep for our conscious mind to interpret those feelings or words?

I dunno, I think its kinda cool this whole hypnosis thing, and I am going to be trying to listen to it for a large portion of the night tonight =D, see if it works or anything.

PostPosted: July 21st, 2007, 12:50 pm
by ramb0command0
I dunno, I think its kinda cool this whole hypnosis thing, and I am going to be trying to listen to it for a large portion of the night tonight =D, see if it works or anything.[/quote:96417b9bb5]

i dunno i kinda just figured that if you are in a trance and your brain is like doing something at whatever hz its going at
it should be pretty close to actual sleeping
i just started last night, and i had things going all night and i am pretty sure i was awake for it/ trancing
but i feel the best rested i've ever felt
just put on some nice headphones, turn it up a bit so you wont fall asleep
it works amazingly for me

PostPosted: August 10th, 2007, 5:51 pm
by whatthe75
As correctly mentioned before it is best to do hypnosis when fully alert.

The files would only work during sleep if there was suggestions to take them in during sleep.

Sleep is not hypnosis

The acid test for any file is, do you wake when the file tells you too. You can go as deep as you like and not remember any of the file as long as you wake when the file tells you too. If you dont wake when the file tells you too then your subconcious is not listening either.

PostPosted: August 11th, 2007, 12:30 am
by iamstretchypanda
I wouldn't be sure i always end my file session with 4 hours sleep :]

PostPosted: September 26th, 2008, 6:12 pm
by MacGyver
acid test eh? how about when you are sure you are asleep, and think your are sleeping, and just then, all the sudden you hear the last number and being told to wake up, and your eyes pop open. i have had this happen a couple times in the past 3 months.